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Seven Ad Copy Tests To Guarantee Irresistible Ads

In digital marketing, speed is important. We’re testing headlines, copy, subject lines, and display ads. But sometimes, when building more significant campaigns and making a big investment or push, you need to assess your copy more thoroughly. This episode will help you do that!

For our Summer Speaker Series, we have Brett Curry of OMG Commerce presenting to a room full of Founders and Entrepreneurs at the Blue Ribbon Mastermind. His company oversees the spending of about a hundred million dollars across platforms every year. That means he has access to a lot of data! What video ads have the best view rates? What ads have the best conversion rates? What landing pages work? And from this wealth of data and experience, Brett shares how to test your Ad copy to ensure it will win every time! You can also use these tests to analyze and look at why something did or didn’t work after the fact.

You Will Learn:

  • How to avoid copy and headlines that sow mistrust instead of trust
  • How to discover the reasons someone says “no” to your product
  • The worst (and best) kind of Ads
  • Why you want your Ads to illicit a physical reaction

And More…



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Time Stamps:

01:14 Let’s Dive In

04:00 Test #1 “If you take your ad as it is, remove your name and your branding, add in a competitor’s name or branding, and the Ad still works, it’s not a good Ad.”

09:40 Test #2, “The worst ads are not the ads we hate. The worst ads are the ads that we never see, the ads that we never pay attention to, that never make us give it a second look or a second thought or anything.”

11:48 Test #3, The Authenticity Test

16:34 Test #4, The “Tell Me More” Test

19:55 Test #5, Does your Ad overcome your audience’s objections?

23:27 Test #6, The Physical Reaction Test “Your ads should cause a physical reaction because, without emotion, we don’t take action.”

26:55 Test #7, The Missouri Test “Any claim you’re making, anything you’re saying, you want to show it rather than just tell it. If you don’t show me, I probably won’t believe you.”

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