ANNOUNCING: Join us October 29 & 30 for Smart Marketer LIVE

Join Ezra’s Ecommerce Mastermind

Ready to take your business to the next level? Make it happen with the help of Ezra Firestone and his unmatched community of seven-, eight- and nine-figure brand owners.


Blue Ribbon… the best thing going, hands down. Ezra has helped us grow from 6 figures all the way to 8 figures.
Peter Goodwin
Groove Life

Looking for the training, resources & support you need to scale your ecommerce business? Look no further.

Hey, I’m Ezra!

As of 2023, I’ve generated over $185 million in sales of my own products through my digital brands. I’ve done it all — physical products, info products, services, SaaS — and in the process I’ve gone from being a “solo-preneur” to leading a team of 170+ employees. I know what it takes to build a successful business, so if that’s your goal then you’ve come to the right place.

There’s no other group like this in the world. Nowhere else will you find a community of seven-, eight- and nine-figure ecommerce business owners who are all operating at the highest level: testing new strategies, sharing what’s working, and helping each other succeed through their collective experience, connections and friendship.

Do you need to be in this group to scale your brand? No — only if you want to scale in the quickest, cheapest, and most pleasurable way possible, while avoiding all the headaches and pitfalls of trying to do it yourself.

See, most brands can reach 6 or 7 figures with one good sales funnel and a few employees. But as you approach mid-7 figures and your operation grows in size and complexity, you start to run into problems (and opportunities) you never imagined:


“How do I hire and train an entire team? How do I diversify my marketing strategy and branch out to new channels? How do I keep the money I make and not lose it to unnecessary taxes or expenses?”

These are the kinds of questions you need to answer if you want to continue seeing consistent, reliable growth and cement yourself as a sustainable brand.

When I got started back in 2005, I only had one way to solve these kinds of problems: trial and error. And that made progress slow, expensive, exhausting, and risky. (I’ve almost gone broke a couple of times in my career.)

That’s why, in 2012, I created Blue Ribbon Mastermind to give hard-working business owners a better way to grow: now you can benefit from my expertise — and the expertise of 100+ successful business owners — gained through thousands of hours of hard work and millions of dollars in testing.

The result: no more slow, inconsistent, or hectic growth; not only will we will help you rapidly optimize your business at every level, we will help you enjoy your work more than ever, because you will have a community of friends who love this stuff as much as you do.

Sound good? Then keep reading to see all the benefits you get with your membership.


I love being a part of Blue Ribbon. Ezra brings together some of the smartest minds in e-commerce and everyone truly wants to see everyone in the community succeed. Over the years his courses, mastermind group, and friendship has added millions of dollars in sales to my companies. He’s one of the smartest marketers I know and everything he does is world-class.
Anthony Mink
Co-Founder, Live Bearded

Membership Benefits

Come for the treasure trove of trainings, resources and connections; stay for the friendship and comradery of a one-of-a-kind community.

Access our entire catalog of Smart Courses

Our Smart Courses are the best ecommerce trainings in the industry, giving you (or a team member) a comprehensive education in how to use the most powerful digital channels to grow your brand. These channels are the foundation of any effective marketing strategy, and the skills you learn in these trainings will serve you for a lifetime.

Turn email into a huge revenue channel for your brand.
Transform your side-hustle into a sustainable ecommerce brand.
Diversify your traffic strategy with Google and YouTube.
Learn how to grow any business with Facebook ads.
Step-by-step instructions to successfully scale your Facebook Ads onto YouTube
Turn buyers into ambassadors who create high-converting content for your ads, emails & website.

+ Bonus trainings

In addition to our full catalog of Smart Courses, you also get two bonus trainings: Train My Traffic Person Mentorship, a 16-week paid traffic mentorship with Molly Pittman ($2,997 value), and Team Traffic, a monthly membership for ongoing training, resources, and hands-on support for your ads team ($3,597 value per year).

Learn how to grow any business with Facebook ads in Molly Pittman's mentorship.
Get the monthly training and resources you need to win consistently with paid traffic.


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Stay ahead of what’s working now with Live Mastermind Calls

As a Ribboner you get complete transparency into my $85 million Shopify store, so you can copy what’s working and avoid what isn’t.

Every two weeks I host a live, members-only Mastermind Call to share what I’m working on, from the results of my latest split tests, email promotions and ad campaigns, to what I’m doing legally and financially to protect and grow my business.

Every call is recorded and timestamped by topic, so it’s easy to catch up on anything you miss or go back and review past videos. (You get access to over 4 years of call recordings.)

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Forge partnerships and strengthen friendships at Blue Ribbon Live

Twice a year the group meets up for Blue Ribbon LIVE: our private, members-only event where we share our latest strategies, strengthen connections, and have some fun!

These events are two full days of brilliant sessions from Blue Ribbon members, my team, and guest experts (and maybe you some day!), hosted in amazing locations like Miami, San Diego, and Denver.

This isn’t your normal industry event — the content is curated specifically for this group of high-performing business owners, and the food, venues and entertainment are all top notch!


I don’t think anyone is doing it better than Ezra and his team in terms of the content lineup, the transparency that’s provided, the time for connection among entrepreneurs and the conversations that you have […] are really unbelievable and really refreshing… I always look forward to the Blue Ribbon events.”
Joe Valley
Quietlight Brokerage

Get advice, avoid mistakes, and stay connected with Blue Ribbon’s Private Facebook Group

Need advice on a big business decision? Or maybe somewhere to go for quick answers during a company emergency?

With the Blue Ribbon Facebook Group, 100 of the smartest minds in ecommerce are just a message away so you can get answers when you need them.

This is also where everyone shares their latest results and insights, so we’re always learning from each other.

New Member BONUSES


Are We a Good Fit?

Blue Ribbon isn’t for everyone. Our strength comes from our collective experience and open cooperation, so for the benefit of the group we only consider those who fit the following criteria:

“I have integrity.”
“I am a successful ecommerce seller.”
“I have a team”
“I have a positive outlook.”
“I am excited to learn and share.”

Meet the Mastermind

The friendships and partnerships you make in this group will provide tremendous value throughout your career.

Ezra Firestone

Ezra has been recognized by Shopify and Entrepreneur Magazine as a leading ecommerce expert and a refreshing voice in the entrepreneurial community. He has founded multiple 7- and 8-figure brands (generating over $100 million in the past 4 years), and shares his personal and professional insights through Smart Marketer and Zipify Apps. An outspoken proponent of “people over profit,” he leads a team of 95 employees while traveling the world educating business owners on how to build brands with integrity and purpose.


CEO, Smart Marketer

Molly is a leading digital marketing strategist, educator and entrepreneur who has overseen $100 million in profitable ad spend and trained more than 10,000 people across the globe.


Chief Marketing Officer, Smart Marketer

John is an experienced educator who specializes in teaching marketers simple ways to collect and apply data to make smarter business decisions.


Concierge, Blue Ribbon

Victor is available to help navigate your learning journey by answering questions, managing memberships and delivering smooth communications.

Blue Ribbon Members


New Blue Ribbon Member

You’re a successful ecommerce business owner who’s excited to take your business to the next level with the help of Blue Ribbon.

You have a passion for learning and sharing, and you will bring positive energy to the group. You are just as interested as you are interesting, and believe there’s nothing to gain by being the smartest person in the room. You aren’t focused solely on quick wins, and know that it takes commitment and consistency to build a sustainable brand. Fortunately, you’re willing to put in the work, and you know how to enjoy the process.

Ready to Join?

Blue Ribbon is only for people who fit the above criteria, and access is granted on a case-by-case basis.

The price of the membership is $1,500 a month, with a one-time payment of $6,000. This investment is not negotiable. If it feels out of your price range, then Blue Ribbon is not right for you. We recommend investing your time and money elsewhere.

But if you think you’re a good fit and you’re ready to invest in the group, then we would love to have you apply. If your application is approved, Ezra will contact you so we can set up a one-on-one call to make sure this Mastermind is a good fit for you and your business.

Once you’re invited to join, there is no obligation to do so — but we hope you will!

Complete this application form to apply


Join us for 2 days of growth, connection, breakthroughs, new friends, eye-opening discussions, & most importantly… FUN