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Behind the Scenes at the SEO Mastermind in Austin, Texas

Video Highlights
01:15 Keith Baxter – SEO traffic and marketing genius
02:25 How to speak to customers to get them to come back and buy from you
03:15 Laura Betterly –
03:35 – Mobilize your content, especially for local businesses
04:35 – Claim your listing on Google+ Local

Click Here For Video Transcript

Ezra: Hey, guys. Ezra Firestone here. I’m down at the SEO Mastermind in Austin, Texas, which is an SEO Mastermind that’s put on by Keith Baxter, that I helped facilitate. I’m going to take you guys upstairs. We’re at the Hilton, in downtown Austin. I’m going to take you behind the scenes, get some interviews with some of the guys in this Mastermind, and some of the gals in this Mastermind. We have a lot of really high-level traffic people who are part of this group. People who are very, very good, specifically at search engine optimization, but at marketing, internet marketing, pay-per-click, and all different kinds of things. I’m going to take you up there, we’re going to get some interviews, and I’ll put them on the blog for you.

Ezra: Hey, everyone. Ezra Firestone here. I’m down here in Austin, Texas, at the SEO Mastermind, which is put on by this man.

Keith: Hey, guys.

Ezra: Keith Baxter. Keith is a really important person in my business life. He’s connected me to a whole bunch of people. He’s helped me out and supported me in a lot. He’s a certified SEO traffic and marketing genius. He’s here . . .

Keith: I’m certified.

Ezra: Certified.

Keith: I have to agree with you.

Ezra: Keith’s going to come on and do a whole podcast with us for an hour, share some cool marketing strategies, and share what he’s up to. This is just a quick little video to introduce him to you so that you know who he is before we do the podcast.

Keith: Hey, guys. Ezra, first of all, I want to say thank you for doing this with me. Second of all, there is a big change that’s taking place right now in the online marketing world: The way things are getting sold, the way things are being presented, the way people are being spoken to.I think there’s a big disconnect in the way that a lot of marketers that have just read a random book here or there, the way that they’re doing it and the way that it’s really working.

Keith: What I want to talk to you about on this podcast is the concept of mailing more often than you are comfortable mailing with. How to speak to your customers in a way that will get those that will actually buy from you to come back to you even more. Even talk about markets that were experiencing much more with success in, than any other market than we’ve ever gone into. Combining it all together, we’re able to put together a system that I can pass along in the podcast. It’s very simple; I can lay the whole thing out from mindset, to implementation, to what everything is and all the pieces. You’ll walk away from the podcast really armed and dangerous.

Ezra: Cool. Keith’s going to come on; he’s going to share the behind the scenes of what he’s doing; a system he’s using, that’s working for him, that can be applied to any business. I hope that you’re looking forward to it, because I know I am.

Keith: Thanks.

Ezra: Thanks for coming, Keith.

Ezra: Hey, everyone. Ezra Firestone here, at the SEO Mastermind, in Austin, Texas, with my good friend, Laura Betterly. Hi Laura.

Laura: Hello, everybody.

Ezra: Laura is an expert at mobile, social, and all things marketing. She’s here to give us 2 tips as a preview to a podcast we’re going to do. You’ll see when the podcast comes out on the blog, all about mobile marketing, and local marketing. 2 tips from Laura, as a preview of that post, and then keep an eye out for the actual podcast coming up.

Laura: Awesome. First of all, thank you for listening. First of all, what we want to talk about here is mobilize your content. What do I talk about that? When we’re talking about local, the very, very important thing is that most people when they’re looking at local, they’re looking at it on an iPad or their cell phone. If you send somebody to a website or webpage, that is not formatted correctly for mobile, you’re losing business, and it’s just a simple as that. I have some resources for that; so on the podcast I’ll give you more information.

Laura: The other reason why mobilizing your content is pretty important is that in social media, over 50% of all social media happens on a cell phone. When that happens, again, if you send somebody to a page that’s too small or they can’t read it on their mobile, it just goes ahead and it’s a wasted click. 70% of people on a mobile device are more likely to take an action than on a PC. It’s a very interesting stat, but it is true.

Laura: The other thing is for local, claim your listing on Google+ Local. You’ll find that if you type in, your phone number, you will find that there is probably one or more listings for your existing business. Make sure that you claim it. Those are the 2 most important things for this particular video. I’ll give you more information when we have the podcast.

Ezra: Awesome. That’s Laura Betterly, of Thanks for watching. We’ll catch you in a couple of days.

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