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The #1 Key To Success With Facebook Ads (In 2021)

It’s no secret that this year’s iOS updates have caused a huge ripple in the marketing and business space. What used to work isn’t working anymore, and the industry is trying to keep up!

But in today’s “We Out Here” episode, we’ve got some good news: Facebook Interest Targeting is still working and is more powerful than ever! So listen if you want to get up to speed, skip some trial and error, and get back on track! Molly and John are letting you in on a recording from last week’s “Your Next Move” group coaching program. It’s a deep dive, tactical episode that also happens to be Molly’s favorite part of Digital Marketing.

You will learn:

  • How you can get an edge on the competition.
  • The common mistakes that advertisers are making (that you can avoid)!
  • Questions you can ask to identify Interest categories that your competitors haven’t considered.



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0:47 “There is good news. Something that was working still is working and is more powerful than ever before. And that is interest targeting”. Molly Pittman.

07:41 “I just know that any of us that want to be successful with Facebook ads moving forward, if we can’t figure this out, it’s going to be tough. Like if you’re just going into that box and typing teacher, because you want to reach teachers, that’s not going to cut it because guess what? That’s what everybody else is doing. And then you’re going to be competing against every other person in the market, trying to reach the same audience as you are.” Molly Pittman.

09:25 What tools does your Avatar use?

12:58 Where is your Avatar congregating? Either online or offline.

14:38 What content is your Avatar consuming?

16:29 Try exploring the vocabulary that your target market uses.

17:09 Should you use Facebook’s Audience Insights?

20:10 How to target a very niche Avatar.

22:16 The new online tools that are claiming they can replace Facebook’s Audience Insights.

25:09 Fernando asks Molly if she uses Intersections.

26:08 Todd asks Molly whether he should be Targeting with multiple Avatars.

26:57 “I think when you’re going really broad, or feel like you need to go broad to speak to your audience…calling out the avatar with the first sentence of copy is a great way that you can speak to a slightly bigger audience while still making sure it’s reaching the right people”. John Grimshaw.

27:32 Justin asks if you’re targeting locally rather than nationally, would you want to go broader?

28:05 How do you integrate new Interests that come up over time into existing campaigns?

31:12 Melissa asks Molly how to handle a Super-Broad Interest, such as “God.”

32:04 “I think if I had to pick my favorite part of digital marketing, this would be it. And I think it’s two reasons. One is that I’m competitive, and this is hugely competitive. Number two, it’s like a game because you never know what you’re going to find! And it’s constantly changing! And three, so much of it is Psychological and just understanding people, which is fun for me.” Molly Pittman.

33:52 If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to hit “subscribe” and “Follow,” and please leave us an honest review on whichever platform you are listening to. We appreciate you!

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