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Behind The Scenes At The Amazing Selling Machine in Austin


Video Highlights:
0:07 Hey, Ezra here behind the scenes at the ASM in Austin, Texas!
0:18 Welcome Ezra Firestone!
0:35 The way that you be in the world is the way that you are in your business
0:55 The reason that most entrepreneurs start their own business is for freedom
1:17 Once freedom is achieved, often the desire of helping others do the same arises
1:47 Ezra’s big take away from The ASM
2:01 If you’re selling on Amazon you’ve got to also have your own platform
2:15 If not you run the risk of losing your whole business over night
2:27 You should be driving traffic from places like FaceBook and Google AdWords to your own store
2:47 If you’re just on Amazon then you don’t have the ability to engage with your community
2:57 Ezra has a course coming really soon addressing this very topic!
3:05 Ezra really enjoyed getting to take you behind the scenes!
3:08 One of Ezra’s favorite parts of the event was to get to meet you!
3:28 Please let Ezra know how you’re doing so that he can create content that fits your needs
3:44 Thanks so much!

Click Here For Video Transcript

Ezra: Hey, Ezra here, behind the scenes of the amazing selling machine in Austin, Texas. Let me take you inside the room and show you what’s going on.

Male Announcer: And he’s just an absolute awesome guy, as everyone will tell you. We welcome Ezra Firestone.

Ezra: How you guys doing?

The way that you approach your communication, the way that you’d be in the world, is the way that you are in business. I’m going to be talking to you guys a little bit about that today because it’s really important having the right mindset and approaching business the right way.

The reason that most entrepreneurs get into their own thing, get into entrepreneurship in the first place, is they’re chasing freedom. Perhaps it’s financial freedom, perhaps it’s location freedom, perhaps it’s freedom of time so you can spend more time with the people you love and doing the things that you want, or experiencing the things that you want. But generally the motivation for this kind of game that they’re playing is some form of freedom. And then, once you achieve that, you know, the freedom
that you were looking at in the beginning, there tends to be a second sort of desire that pops up. And people reach that level, which is to support other people and reaching that same goal with people who have desire.

Hey, Ezra here. I’m at the end of the ASM event. This event was really cool. It was like a group of people who were predominantly selling through Amazon. And my big take away here is something that every one of the speakers, whose also selling on Amazon like I do, said which is you’ve got to also have your own platform, your own distribution channel, your own group of people or community who you’re selling to.

You can’t just sell through one distribution channel like Amazon because what’ll happen is the same thing that happened to all the guys who were solely based on Google, right? They had their whole business coming from Google and these algorithms came in and they knocked them out and they lost 80 percent of their business overnight.

Right now, if you’re solely on Amazon, you run that same risk so it makes sense to drive traffic from places like Facebook, and Google adwords, and comparison shopping engines, and content marketing, and YouTube to your store on a Shopifier or a big commerce or Volusion or a Magento and create your own content and build your own community of people because with that group of people, that you can then market to them, you can sell them your additional products. If you’re just on Amazon, or just on that channel, then you don’t have the ability to engage with that community of people and have a customer for life.

So, I’m creating a course where I teach exactly how I do this. How I start on Amazon, how I run my Facebook ads, how I set up my platforms, how I do my content marketing and al that stuff. So, that’ll be coming your way
really soon.

But the event was really cool and I enjoyed like getting to take you behind the scenes. One of the best parts of these events for me, is getting to meet you and getting to talk to you face-to-face. Find out what’s going on in your business? Where are your pain points? What are you struggling with? What’s working for you? One of my favorite parts of this event was meeting a bunch of people who’d been through my course and said, “Man, I’m making a whole bunch of Google Ad Words. I’m doing really well on my conversion thanks to what you put out.”

So, I really appreciate you letting me know that the stuff that I’m putting out is helping you. So if you see me around, like come up to me and talk to me. Say hi and let me know how this stuff is working for you because I really want to know because that allows me to create content that is tailored specifically to what you need in your business. So, thanks so much. I hope you’ve enjoyed a little glimpse behind the scenes of ASM and keep a look out for what’s coming next.

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