
Why Email Matters (More than ever) With Ezra Firestone and John Grimshaw

What’s the best way to build your brand in 2022? Ezra Firestone and John Grimshaw team up to answer that question for you. If you thought for a minute that ‘email is dead’ (or too hard, or too costly), then listen in as Ezra and John make their case: Email will be key through 2023.

Today’s episode is a clip from their hugely popular workshop ‘The Email Evolution Bootcamp’. Ezra Firestone was actually the first to popularize the idea of going in-depth with email automation, and his E-Commerce brand generated close to 10M through email in 2021. Plus, our host John Grimshaw has overseen the sending of over 440 million emails! So listen as they share their keys to success and explain why you need to double down on Email right now.

Plus, you will learn:

  • Why lead generation is the future of growing businesses.
  • The game you need to be willing to play (if you want to win).
  • Ezra’s Epiphany (that has led to tremendous success).
  • The Four-Email Sequence that will make you a lot of money.



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00:00 “To this day, email is still the most important touch point between a brand and its community”. Ezra Firestone.

00:18 John sets up the show and lets you know what to expect.

01:49 John introduces the Stats on Email as a Channel.

03:28 Ezra shares how they have used Email to grow Boom! By Cindy Joseph.

06:22 John shares how Smart Marketer uses Email.

12:30 If you learn one thing today, learn this.

14:10 A 30,000 Foot view to building your brand with Email.

15:45 Two Kinds Of Marketing Emails (each with a different trigger).

18:46 “We are marketers. We understand human psychology. We understand that deadlines and urgency, and incentives work much better than if you don’t have them. And so we use them, and you should too.” Ezra Firestone.

22:56 The Win-Back Sequence (that Crushes)!

26:35 Email Will Be Key Through 2023

27:33 Three Media Types (Paid Media, Earned Media and Owned Media)

30:23 “Getting ready for what’s coming next is critical, and we need to root ourselves in this foundation that Email is the most profitable channel. And even if it’s not email in five years, it will be in owned media, and so we need to understand how to use owned media”. John Grimshaw.

31:40 John shares more about the upcoming Beta launch of his mentorship program, “Train My Email Specialist”.

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