
What Type Of Business Should You Have?

Summary: Welcome to the first episode of The Smart Marketer Podcast! In this episode, hosts Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw chat with Ezra Firestone about which one of his three successful businesses is the easiest to start, and why one model may work better for you over the rest.

Listen in as we discuss the pros and cons of running information, product, and software companies, guiding you with real-world experience to help you decide which is best for you.

Guest Intro/Links:

Ezra Firestone

Ezra Firestone is a leading voice in the digital marketing world, best known for being the founder of Smart Marketer, Zipify, and Boom! by Cindy Joseph. Earning his experience through failures and triumphs, he managed to build his most successful businesses into two 7-figure and one 8-figure company. Through this journey he discovered the love of helping others while also being able to help support his loved one at the time, hence the Smart Marketer tagline: Serve the World Unselfishly and Profit.

Twitter: @ezrafirestone
Instagram: @ezrafirestone

You’ll Learn:

    • • Pros and cons of running an Information business


    • • Pros and cons of running a Product business


    • • Pros and cons of running a Software business


    • • Answers to questions you should ask when starting one of these busin


    • Ezra’s tips for choosing your business model based on your goals

Resource Links: include other episodes, blog posts, websites, training, events,

Smart Marketer

BOOM! By Cindy Joseph


Blue Ribbon Mastermind

Smart Project Management

Links to Join:

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What’s Molly & John Up To:

Join Molly, John, Ezra, and 30+ other business experts for a 3-day jam-packed information sharing event on December 2-4, 2020 — Smart Traffic Live.

We’ll discuss Retargeting Campaigns, Scaling Tactics, Social Media Management, and much more! Bonuses include our Profitable Promotion Blueprint, valued at $397.

Reserve your seat here: Get My Ticket!
Use code “STL2020PODCAST” to get $100 off your ticket.

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