
What Should You Focus On In 2022? Ezra Firestone Checks In.

This episode is for you if you want clarity on what you should be focusing on in 2022. Ezra Firestone joins Molly Pittman in this ‘check-in’ episode, and as always, he delivers inspiration and a big-picture strategy.

You Will Learn,

  • Ezra’s version of Wealth Creation.
  • The Gen-Z brand he just acquired (and why).
  • 3 things you still need to focus on (to do well).

Plus, the three channels that matter most in 2022.

As mentioned in this episode, the Train My Traffic Person Mentorship is now open for enrollment. Grab your seat,



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00:00 “Everybody complicates stuff way too much. The basics win ball games”. Ezra Firestone

02:30 ‘Train My Traffic Person’ is OPEN for enrollment.

04:47 The skill to master.

05:07 Ezra reflects on 2021.

07:37 Growth despite the struggle.

“You learn a lot when things get hard, about your own willingness to come up against resistance and push through it. That is the nature of running a business, or even being someone who drives traffic, if that’s your career. Can you consistently come up against a difficult scenario, keep a positive attitude, look for a solution, test something, see what happens. You have to keep at it.” Ezra Firestone

09:56 Ezra’s Take On Wealth Creation.

13:12 Ezra’s Latest Acquisition.

16:03 What you should focus on in 2022.

“There are no other channels. Ignore all of them. Email, SMS, Ads.” Ezra Firestone.

18:28 What Are You In Business For?

20:48 How Ezra Has Helped Molly The Most.

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