
Three Proven Offers You Can Use To Launch Your New Product

You wouldn’t believe how many marketers and entrepreneurs don’t understand the subject of Offers. Fortunately, John Grimshaw is passionate about this, and he’s on the show today to share three proven offer formulas that you can consider using for your next product launch.

John and his team at Smart Marketer have seen these Offers work for themselves, their clients, and for businesses of all shapes and sizes. As he unpacks each formula with examples, you will start to recognize these strategies in use all around you, and you will be able to implement them for your next product launch.

You Will Learn:

  • The Greatest Enemy To Selling Your Product
  • When to use the Buzz-Builder Launch
  • When the Pre-Order (Or Beta) Launch works best 
  • The Key to Achieving Growth and Scale

And more!

Mentioned In This Episode:

Smart Product Creation,

For more Episodes and Resources,

John Grimshaw,


01:20 Why This Topic Gets Overlooked and Skimmed Over 

02:32 The Basics of John’s 5-Step Offer Formula

07:28 Proven Offer #1:The Buzz Builder Launch

12:37 Proven Offer #2: The Pre-Order (Or Beta) Launch

Pre-orders (in general) work well when they leverage highly engaged existing audiences who have a lifestyle or hobbyist connection to whatever you’re selling.” John Grimshaw

19:53 Proven Offer #3: The Seasonal Event Launch

22:18 “This Is Where the Marketing Comes In”

24:34 In Summary


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