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Five Tactical Tips For Your Q4 Facebook Ad Strategy

It’s not too late to boost your Q4 sales (and lower your stress levels too)! Pepijn Hufen (CEO of the Smart Marketer Agency) is back on the show with top-notch, tried and tested tips that will help simplify your approach to the Holiday Sales. Listen in to hear the advice he gives to their agency clients, including how to break down your sales into five distinct phases, ways to simplify some of the logistics, and the tools you need to set up now to track your data in real time.

“It’s Better To Run 3 Well-Thought-Through Sales Then 5 Poorly Executed Sales”. Pepijn Hufen

You Will Learn:

  • The Biggest Mistake you could make this season (even if you’re a premium brand)
  • How long you should run your Cyber Monday Sale
  • What to do with your Top of Funnel Meta Ads during your Q4 Sales


And More…




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Time Stamps:

02:48 Let’s Dive In: 5 Phases For Q4

04:11 Phase 1 (Optional but a great idea) The Primer Sale

05:27 Phase 2: The Early Black Friday Sale

06:51 Phase 3: The Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale

08:21 Phase 4: The Holiday Sale

09:39 Phase 5: The New Years Sale

12:30 Tip #1: Have Multiple Creative Stacks Ready

13:37 Tip #2: Launch and Schedule your Facebook Ads 48 hours before you want them to go Live

14:20 Tip #3: Run Ads From Multiple Pages

15:28 Tip #4: Leverage all three Media options for your Ads

16:35 Tip #5: Your Campaign Set Up

18:55 How much should you Spend?

21:41 In Summary

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