
Ezra’s 2020 Reflections and 2021 Goals

How does the founder of three 7- and 8-figure companies set goals for the year?

In this episode, Ezra Firestone (BOOM!, Zipify, Smart Marketer) shares how he internalizes past results and makes future goals for himself, his loved ones, and his companies. As the founder of multiple 7- and 8-figure companies, Ezra has a full plate in the business world — but what people don’t see is that he invests the same amount of energy into his personal life. Listen as he attempts to inspire you to take care of yourself, take care of others, and set big goals with every intent of reaching them.

You’ll Learn:

  • Why Ezra believes it’s important to reflect and set goals
  • Why good health isn’t directly based on good genes
  • How Ezra transitioned through the new roles in his company
  • Ezra’s high level fitness, business, and land goals

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1:17 Life can be unpredictable and sometimes it can interfere with your goals. What’s most important is to be present and take action on what comes your way.

2:06 Reflection — The good stuff.

2:09 Starting with a vision that began 15 years ago, Ezra and Carrie were able to build their dream home.

4:36 How important is good health to you? Ezra describes the health crisis he faced and how he was able to overcome it.

7:39 The material stuff is nice but the real treasure is deepening relationships with your loved ones. Ezra shares which relationships he intentionally invested in this past year.

8:49 Business was good and that means the numbers were good.

9:11 With the new house came a lot of land. But why would Ezra need that much land?

10:10 Reflection — The struggles.

10:23 As his team grows and takes on new tasks, Ezra’s role and responsibilities have changed and the transition hasn’t felt the smoothest.

14:46 2020 brought on additional screen time and less meditation. Here’s what Ezra plans to do about it.

15:43 Goals — Set a plan and work that plan with strategic action.

16:04 Once you get healthy, remaining healthy is a struggle in itself. Find out what helps keep Ezra on track.

18:31 High Level Goals – Discover what a founder of three 7- and 8-figure companies deems as his 2021 fitness, business, and land goals.

21:43 Thanks for listening!

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