
Ezra Firestones E-Commerce Playbook For 2022: Branching Out

Wait, Did he just say TV?

Are you looking for new lines of visibility for your brand? Can you think big and ‘out of the box? Whether you can or you can’t, Ezra’s downloading his latest thoughts, ideas, and strategies in today’s episode.

You will hear Ezra talk on a call with his top-level mastermind for E-Commerce Entrepreneurs, Blue Ribbon. He shares a high-level strategic business update so that you can hear what they’re doing and the thought process behind it. Hopefully, you will be inspired to think a certain way or do something strategically that will move the needle in your business.

Ezra gets into the Nitty Gritty details, so grab a pen and listen UP!

You will learn:

  • Ezra’s Facebook predictions for the next six months.
  • The exact way he’s testing TV Ads for the first time.
  • An SMS Strategy that’s working great!
  • Ezra’s big picture plan to grow top-line revenue to 80M.


* In this episode, Molly shares about the upcoming Mentorship, ‘TMTP,’ which you can join: Train My Traffic Person


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0:00 “There’s tons more advertisers in the auction, and there are fewer people to reach. So the auction is more expensive, and there are tracking issues. Well, what’s going to happen is now that it’s difficult, all those people that got into the auction, who don’t know what they’re doing, are going to fall out – In terms of brands that we’re competing against. So this will level out, and we will return to a normalized setting, but it’s going to be six months from now. We’ve got another six months of pretty difficult acquisition on social.” Ezra Firestone.

00:52 Molly invites you to join her in the next Train My Traffic Person Mentorship. “If you are struggling with Facebook advertising, if you’re just getting started, if you want to scale, this is the right program. We kept this class at 150 students to make sure you get the feedback and the help that you need.”

01:59 Ezra launches into his high-level strategic update, with a quick review of 2020 through to the present day (Summer 2021).

3:26 The Playbook that has got them to where they are today.

4:10 The 10% increase they’ve seen from launching on Amazon with just their hero product.

04:29 The complex (but necessary) process of launching new products.

05:15 Ezra’s big picture plan to grow their top-line revenue to 80M through acquisitions and new channels of visibility, “My viewpoint is that I need additional channels of visibility to scale.”

06:50 Ezra’s Prediction for Facebook and Social Advertising.

07:42 Launching Additional Front-End Customer Acquisition funnels.

08:01 Small Box Retail, Big Box Retail, and Podcast Ads.

08:54 International Expansion.

09:40 Ezra talks through his Television strategy, how they’re testing it, the budget, who they are working with, and more.

12:27 “From all the people that I’m talking to, if you’re spending $200,000 a month on social media ads, you can move to TV pretty easily, and generally, you can do pretty well…you can 4X your spending on television Ads.” Ezra Firestone.

13:18 Listen for a breakdown of the Ads he is going test across both traditional TV and streaming platforms.

18:44 Ezra explains why he will not be building a Landing page to track traffic from Television.

20:16 Did you know you can invent a Holiday just to promote your products?

20:48 An SMS campaign that’s getting a 10-13% click rate through to the blog.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to hit “subscribe” and “Follow,” and please leave us an honest review on whichever platform you are listening to. We appreciate you!

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