
Content For The Win (Part 2) The Engage And Filter Method, With Ezra Firestone

What’s the difference between a business and a brand? One of them is a great way to make money, but it’s not built to weather economic storms and recessions. The other is not just a profitable funnel, a great product, or an excellent service. It is a relationship with customers, prospects, and a community. This is a brand that will stand the test of time.

If you find yourself in the state of being just a business today, don’t worry. Listen to this training with Ezra Firestone and Laura Palladino. They discuss the content you need to drive the engine, and Ezra breaks down the exact “ICOSA” system they use across Ezra’s family of brands.

(Be sure to go back to Episode 101 if you haven’t already listened to Part 1).

You Will Learn:

  • The solution for your email and paid traffic fatigue.
  • How much you should spend on Content Amplification.
  • How to use the I.C.O.S.A. framework to drive growth?

And More…

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“Social marketing, social media, and content creation is the solution for the email and paid traffic fatigue that you keep trying to fix with more campaigns! Because you’re building a relationship, you’re building banks of content that resonate with your audience that you can use throughout your marketing system. We call it ICOSA” Ezra Firestone.

03:24 Let’s Dive In: The Engage And Filter Method

“The business opportunity on social media is encapturing people’s attention and channeling this attention to an appropriate offer.” Ezra Firestone

06:53 Content Amplification And List Nurturing

“Social marketing, social media, and content creation is the solution for the email and paid traffic fatigue that you keep trying to fix with more campaigns” Ezra Firestone.

8:02 We Call This, ICOSA

10:11 Ideation And Creation (Steps 1 and 2)

15:38 Consistency Builds Relationships

18:59 Optimization (Step 3) Make It Consumable.

20:45 The Skills You Need To Make This Happen

21.33 Syndication (Step 4) Invite Consumption

22:53 Amplification (How much should you spend?)

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