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Business Partnerships: Are They Worth The Trouble?

If you’re weighing up the pros and cons of having a business partner (or you’re having doubts about your current situation), you need to listen to this episode with Molly Pittman, the CEO of Smart Marketer. Molly makes a strong case for partnering with others, but she drops some critical caveats and insights to help you identify the right people to partner with.

“When you’re able to truly stand in your zone of genius, all of your energy can go to a place that is truly transformational for the business.” Molly Pittman

You Will Learn:

  • How Business Partnerships are similar to romantic partnerships and parenting
  • Two different paths for operating in your ‘Zone of Genius” (and why one gets better results)
  • A mistake Molly has made in the past (that you can avoid)

And More…



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Time Stamps:

02:52 What Are Some Of The (Perceived) Cons Of Having Business Partners?

04:43 The First Reason Molly Loves Having Business Partners (Operate In Your Zone Of Genius)

09:22 One Caveat: Don’t Partner With People Who Are Too Similar To You

10:00 The Second Reason Molly Loves Having Business Partners: There’s Someone Who Has Your Back

13:40 The Third Reason Molly Loves Business Partnerships (It’s Better For Your Employees)

17:24 “For me, having these business partners makes this experience so much richer, more exciting, and more stable. Do I make less money in the now? Is my piece of the pie smaller than if I had the whole pie to myself? Maybe. But what we can build together is so much bigger than what each of us would build on our own”. Molly Pittman

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