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SuperFastBusiness Live: Behind The Scenes

Video Highlights
0:05 Ezra Firestone takes you behind the scenes at James Schramko’s Super Fast Business Live
0:54 Ezra has been stressing the importance of relationship marketing and it’s one thing that was talked about by many of the experts
1:05 Relationship marketing is using content to build a relationship with a group of people and then making relevant offers
1:23 Ezra uses engaging content to help grow all of his businesses and its very effective
1:59 Everyone is using relationship marketing and it’s something you should really be paying attention to
2:47 Ezra behind the scenes with James Schramko himself!
3:02 The event was more than James could imagine and wouldn’t change a thing!
3:30 James has a stack of action items and believes that he will implement more than anyone else
3:48 Ezra challenges James, stakes remain to be named

Click Here For Video Transcript

EZRA: Hey, Ezra Firestone here and I’m behind the scenes at Super-
Fast Business Live on Manly Beach in Sydney, Australia, which is an event
put on by my partner, James Schramko in the Think-Act-Get podcast. Schramels or Schramington, whatever you would like to call him. So, it’s a really cool
event. I’d like to take you inside and show you what’s going on.

Hey, Ezra here – I’m at day two of the Super-Fast Business Live event –
James Schramko’s event, here in Sydney, Australia. And, I just want to recap
what’s happened so far. A lot of stuff has happened. There’s been a lot
of really good content.

One of the main things that people keep touching on – experts in many
different fields – is that thing that we often talk about. It’s
relationship marketing.

So, using content as a way to build a relationship with a group of people
and then make them offers that you believe are relevant to them and one of
the speakers, Justin Brooke, who just went up is using the exact same
strategy that I use on my boom by sending Joseph business, on this smart
marketer business and all my other e-commerce businesses, which is to
create really engaging, high level content and advertise that content
through social networks and Google AdWords and Facebook and engage people
in a story and a relationship, get them in my community before I make
them a direct response offer. And, it’s very effective for every type of

I’ll do an actual break-down of that whole strategy. I’ve got a free
course of Shopify where I take you through 15 videos of how to do content
marketing for e-commerce business.
But, I’m going to do a break-down video
of this event, where I do a couple slides and I talk about each speaker and
my take-aways from what they said and how I’m doing that in my business and
how you can too.

I wanted to quickly mention that this relationship marketing thing that we
have been talking about is really effective and works super well. And,
everyone is using it. So, it’s something that you want to pay attention to
and I’ll put links to a couple videos below this post where you can get
more details on relationship marketing.

EZRA: — every kind of community that you have – engaging with them
socially. It’s a good idea. And this tool will be a good one for that —

INTERVIEWEE 1: What I really loved was building out the sequences of things that
are going to happen to encourage sales on any e-commerce store, really.

INTERVIEWEE 2: You really need multiple platforms when it comes to selling physical
products. We’re looking at launching onto Amazon as well and the best
thing we found for that is the training that Ezra’s been doing for us,
which is launching products on amazon as well and getting the traffic
higher and getting it ranking for us too.

EZRA: Cool.

JAMES: That’s been great.

EZRA: Hey, Ezra here and I’m at Super-Fast Business behind the scenes with
the man himself, Schramels or Schramington or Schrekner –

JAMES: Schrekner –

EZRA: So, this is by far the best event I’ve been to this year and I knew
it was because James and I had talked about what he was going to do, here.
But, the content has been phenomenal, man. How do you feel about how it’s
gone so far?

JAMES: I wouldn’t change any of the speaker line up. Everything that’s
been talked about was exactly what I could have hoped for in my wildest
I think the main thing that people have noticed, here, is
that the caliber of the experts’ we’re getting just gets better every year,
like you, Ezra. And, it’s because my network’s getting stronger and –

EZRA: Your network is strong.

JAMES: But, people are happy to come and share their best stuff.

EZRA: So, when you sat in through every presentation, right?

JAMES: Yeah.

EZRA: So, when you look at your own business and the content that you heard
today, is there anything that you’re going to actually implement from your
own seminar?

JAMES: I’ve got a stack of action items. There’s so many things. And,
it’s almost the most selfish way to –

EZRA: So, you basically put this thing on for yourself, basically?

JAMES: I want to improve traffic and conversions, so I bring in the best
people to teach it and I’ll be, probably, implementing more than anyone

EZRA: Well, I challenge you on that.

JAMES: We’ll talk about it.

EZRA: We’ll talk about it – so, this is behind the scenes Super-Fast
Business live with James Schramko, himself, the man who put this thing on.

JAMES: And, this is Firestone himself.

EZRA: The dude –

JAMES: The dude –

EZRA: The El Duderino, for short. That’s an inside joke to the Big
Lebowski. You ever see that movie? No? Well, we should watch that.

JAMES: I have seen it.

EZRA: Yeah, it was the best movie, ever. I was surprised, man. I thought
you had seen that.

JAMES: I gotta go.

EZRA: Alright, thanks so much. Talk to you soon.

JAMES: See ya.

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