
2021 Predictions for Marketers & Digital Brands (Part 2)

By Smart Marketer | January 25, 2020

What will paid traffic look like in 2021? In part 2 of this 3-part segment of #WeOutHere, our host John Grimshaw offers 7 predictions on how paid traffic will change in 2021. Ads are the lifeblood of most businesses because they enable scalable, repeatable growth. That’s why you don’t want to miss John breaking down how Facebook’s recent acquisitions will change the platform over the next year. (If you haven’t watched part 1, go back to episode 10.)

You Will Learn:

    • Why TikTok could be worth investing in
    • What new niche Facebook is looking to venture into
    • How machine learning could impact the future of ads
    • Why you should be reading the Facebook TOS

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1:04 In part 2 of this #WeOutHere segment, we’ll tell you what we expect from paid ad platforms in 2021, starting with TikTok.

2:38 Facebook’s change of heart is good for marketers! (CBO vs. ABO)

5:32 Facebook recently purchased Kustomer. We think this is why…

10:30 Another dog in the fight — Facebook looks to expand into email marketing.

13:12 We explore the idea of shoppable ads and why we’ll be focusing on high quality creative next year.

17:11 Our resident fortune teller (Molly) envisions a drop in CPC during Q1 of 2021.

21:10 Machine Learning — Facebook and Google lead the way on this new frontier.

26:00 Review the Terms Of Service! The more you know, the better.

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