
Dr. Axe & More on Acquiring Talent to Grow Your Business

In case you missed it, 2018 is the year for investing in your team.

It’s the biggest conversation in the industry right now — and that’s a great thing.

Because you are the visionary for your brand, so you shouldn’t also be the one answering support tickets, optimizing Facebook ads, managing deadlines and writing sales emails.

Eventually you’ll burn out, and your business will pay for it.

So why do a lot of entrepreneurs I meet struggle to hire help?

Maybe they haven’t experienced the huge financial benefits of adding employees.

In this video, you’ll hear from the pioneers of Dr. Axe, DigitalMarketer and MuteSix on why hiring talented employees is a necessary and profitable way to grow your business.

Roland Frasier — Co-Founder of DigitalMarketer and Principal Owner of Native Commerce:

The biggest challenge for us has been having the ability to find quality people to scale the team.

Growth is easy for us, because we can just advertise more. But scale, the ability to handle the customers as you grow, is more of a challenge — particularly on the talent side.

We found that acquiring other companies gets us the best talent the fastest.

Mike Danner — C.M.O. of Quantum Media Marketing for Dr. Axe:

I think Dan Kennedy is the guy who got super famous for “You’re only one sales letter away from whatever it is that you want in life.” Then Russell Brunson parodied that and said that “You’re only one funnel away from whatever it is that you’re looking for in life.”

And I believe that you’re only one epic hire away.

…incredible referrals and incredible talent coming into your organization is the fastest thing you can do [to scale] because they’re going to be the people who hunt down all the new information that you would need to know to grow your business.

And they’re going to be the people to take action on all that information, because up until that point, you’ve been too busy going to conferences, taking notes, logging in to Infusionsoft every day, checking your ads — and it’s just, oh my gosh, this is too much to do.

And you’re the only person who can solve all the fires. You want to bring on somebody else who can help you solve each of those fires so that you don’t have to, and you can be in multiple places at once.

Steve Weiss — C.E.O. of MuteSix, the ad agency for MeUndies:

I’ve learned that my skill set and what I could do in a day could only go so far.

I spent most of my days actually recruiting. That’s a skill that I never had before but now, pretty much, half of my focus is continuously bringing new people in that are better than me in specific areas of my business.

Right now, my goal is to continuously cultivate smart people, motivated people, and people who fit within a team framework.

The Strategy I Use to Scale My Team

I have 46 employees (and counting), and for me, growing my team has meant that I get to spend more time doing the work I enjoy and that I’m most qualified for.

Each one of those hires brought a specific skill set to the team, and my businesses have grown because of it.

If you’re interested to see the strategy I used to scale my team (like who the first 10 people I hired were, and in what order), or you want to copy the system my project managers use to run my team…

Then you can watch this hour-long free training on “How to Scale Your Team.”

You’ll get a ton of value from this webinar, and if you want there’s an opportunity at the end to train more in-depth with me and my Chief Operations Officer.

So what’s the best hire you ever made? Is there a limit to how many employees you can have on a team?

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Video Highlights:
0:13 You’re only one epic hire away from what you want in life
0:16 The biggest challenge for us has been having the ability to find quality people to scale the team
0:30 Half of my focus is continuously bringing new people in that are better than me in specific areas of my business
0:58 The ability to handle the customers as you grow is more of a challenge
1:37 My goal is to continuously cultivate smart people, motivated people, and people who fit within a team framework

Click Here For Video Transcript

Mike: think Dan Kennedy is the guy who got super famous for “You’re only one sales letter away from whatever it is that you want in life.” Then Russel Brunson parodied that and said that “You’re only one funnel away from whatever it is that you’re looking for in life.” And I believe that you’re only one epic hire away.Roland: The biggest challenge for us has been having the ability to find quality people to scale the team.

Steve: I’ve learned that my skill set and what I could do in a day could only go so far. I spent most of my days actually recruiting. That’s a skill that I never had before but now, pretty much, half of my focus is continuously bringing new people in that are better than me in specific areas of my business.

Mike: Making sure that you’re getting rid of… and not in a bad way but a classy, just making sure that the people who are not part of the organization’s growth anymore that they’re moving on to either new positions within the company or moving out if they’re no longer part of the company and part of the company’s future and making sure that you are replacing that with just amazing talent.

Roland: Growth is easy for us because we can just advertise more but scale, the ability to handle the customers as you grow, is more of a challenge. Particularly on the talent side, we found that acquiring other companies gets us the best talent the fastest.

Mike: Just trying to always keep that pipeline of, just, incredible referrals and incredible talent coming into your organization is the fastest thing you can do because they’re gonna be the people who hunt down all the new information that you would need to know to grow your business. And they’re gonna be the people to take action on all that information because you’re too… you know, up until that point, you’ve been too busy going to conferences, taking notes, logging in to Infusionsoft every day, checking your ads and it’s just, oh my gosh, this is too much to do. And you’re the only person who can solve all the fires. You want to bring on somebody else who can help you solve each of those fires so that you don’t have to and you can be in multiple places at once

Steve: Right now, my goal is to continuously cultivate smart people, motivated people, and people who fit within a team framework.

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