
What Does it Mean to Be an “Entrepreneur?”

Hey! I was recently on the Modern Ontrapreneur Podcast, where I sat down with Ontraport CEO Landon Ray to talk business and relationships…

And he asked me something that I found really interesting: How do I define the term “entrepreneur?”

Most people would say that, to be an entrepreneur, you have to start your own business…

But I don’t agree with that. I actually think that a lot of people have the mindset of an entrepreneur without realizing it.

To hear what I think it means to be an entrepreneur, watch this quick video or read what I had to say below.

“What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?”

Ezra Firestone: “I think entrepreneurs are people who see things a little bit differently and want to kind of write their own rules a little bit. Entrepreneurs are interested in solving problems that they see people are having.

And I think you can be an entrepreneur from any level of an organization. You don’t have to be running your own organization to be an entrepreneur. You can innovate and create and add value from any position and that’s what it is to be an entrepreneur in my mind: It’s figuring out ways that things can perform better and be more fun and be more valuable for people and then making that happen.

And it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have your own company or that you’re running your own show. You can experience entrepreneurship and autonomy and freedom — and you can take control of whatever it is that you’re doing and take responsibility for whatever it is that you’re doing — from any position in life.

And that’s what I think it is to be an entrepreneur.”

Click Here For Video Transcript

Interviewer: So modern entrepreneur.

Interviewee: Yeah. Hey, entrepreneur. Dude, can I sign that thing? I really would like to.

Interviewer: Yeah. Yeah, but before you do…

Interviewee: Okay.

Interviewer: Tell me what you think about the term modern entrepreneur. Like what does it mean to be a modern entrepreneur?

Interviewee: Yeah. You know, I think entrepreneurs are people who see things a little bit differently and want to kind of write their own rules a little bit. You know, like entrepreneurs are interested in solving problems that they see people are having and I think you can be an entrepreneur from any level of an organization. You don’t have to be running your own organization to be an entrepreneur. You can innovate and create and add value from any position and that’s what it is to be an entrepreneur in my mind is figuring out ways that things can perform and do better and be more fun and be more valuable for people and then making that happen. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have your own company or that you’re running your own show. Like you can experience entrepreneurship and autonomy and freedom and you can take control of whatever it is that you’re doing and take responsibility for whatever it is that you’re doing from any position in life.

And that’s what I think it is to be an entrepreneur.

Interviewer: Yeah, simply by just noticing problems and being inquisitive.

Interviewee: Yeah. And being willing to say, “Hey.” Being willing to express…a lot of people are afraid to say stuff, right. They’re like…may notice stuff but they don’t tell anyone. It’s like actually, talk to people about what you think you see because what you see is valid. If you see something, it’s worth mentioning to someone and saying, “Hey, what do you think about this, you know?” Because maybe you’re sleeping on something that you could be doing.

Interviewer: Yeah. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it.

Interviewee: Thanks for having me on the show.

Interviewer: And do sign our wall. Thank you.

Interviewee: Okay, here we go. You gotta get this one on camera. I’ve got something for you.

Interviewer: Oh, what is he doing to our wall? Oh, my god.

Interviewee: Don’t worry, dude. People are gonna love this.

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