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Three Keys To Building A Winning Team (Even If It’s 100% Virtual), With Colleen Taylor

If you’re going to scale your business, you’ve got to be able to delegate important responsibilities and build a strong team. It’s every business owner’s dream, and it’s hard to do. But, the dream IS possible (especially if you pay attention to these strategies). In this episode, we’re featuring the C.O.O. of Boom by Cindy Joseph; Colleen Taylor. You’ll hear how to select your leaders, protect your company culture, help new hires succeed, and more.

You Will Learn:

  • The actual cost of a toxic employee.
  • Three practical ways to set clear expectations.
  • What to look for (and develop) in a Leader.

And More…



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00:00 Why Is Molly So Excited To Have Colleen Taylor On The Show?

02:26 Let’s Dive In.

03:29 Key #1 (To Building A Winning Team): The Leadership.

04:00 A Leader That Takes Ownership And Puts Other People First.

04:50 A Leader That Understands (And Models) The Work-Life Balance.

05: 30 “At a certain point, if you want to be able to scale, you’ve got to be able to delegate important responsibilities to your leadership team, which includes the responsibility of building and maintaining that team.” Colleen Taylor.

05:51 Key #2 (To Building A Winning Team): Your Company Culture.

06:24 A Toxic Employee Will Poison Your Team.

11:00 Key #3 (To Building A Winning Team): Set Clear Expectations.

11:34 Job Descriptions and The Interview.

14:18 S.O.P.’s.

15:13 I Do It, We Do It, You Do It.

16:30 Script It!

17:25 The Value Of A Visible Org Chart.

18:20 R.E.A.L. (Recognize, Elevate, Bring Your A-Game, and be Likeable).

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