
Three Facebook Campaigns That Are Working Right Now (Pepijn Hufen and Molly Pittman)

Yes, it’s true. Some campaigns are rocking it on Facebook in 2022, and Pepijn Hufen breaks down the details in this episode. Taken from a recent live workshop, you’ll hear for yourself how an expert media buyer thinks and sets up their Ads. Listen for real-time tips for your own clients and campaigns.

You Will Learn,

  • How to scale UP when a campaign is working.
  • How to launch into a new market.
  • The impact of changing your front-end offer.

And more!

“Creatives are very important, but I will always stand with the fact that I believe (and our data backs up) that other than your offer, the copy is the most important aspect of your campaign.” Molly Pittman.



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02:17 Molly Introduces the CEO of the new Smart Marketer Agency

04:17 Let’s Dive Into The Tactical Stuff.

06:20 A Shift In Q1 From Monetization to Maximizing Acquisition

07:24 Campaign #1, Media Buyer Mania (What To Do When a Campaign Works)

10:47 Scaling both horizontally and vertically.

12:11 Some Rules Of Thumb…

“It’s not just about getting the click, It’s also about the quality of the click.” Pepijn Hufen

24:05 Campaign #2, Launching Into The US Market

25:15 A Higher AOV is crucial.

29:22 The Campaign Set Up.

33:28 Why you should use Open Loops (and how).

39:15 Campaign #3- The Impact Of Changing Your Front End Offer

41:37 Let’s Map Out The Offer.

“Traffic will become more expensive (that has been happening for years and years), so you need to adapt. You need to become better at other parts of your business.” Pepijn Hufen.
44:14 The Campaign Set Up.

“Click-through rate is an important metric that gives you an indication of how interested people are, but it’s not a lead metric’. Pepijn Hufen.

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Smart Marketer podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us an honest review on @ApplePodcasts, and be sure to subscribe wherever you are listening.

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