
The State Of Paid Ads In 2022 (With Molly Pittman and Ezra Firestone)

A shift in the tides?

It’s time for another look at what’s happening in the Industry! This episode gives you free access to the State Of Paid Ads workshop that Molly Pittman and Ezra Firestone just completed. The team at Smart Marketer compiled data across a massive spectrum of businesses and industries, and we’re sharing the takeaways with you. Why? Because whenever you’re able to see things from a bird’s eye view, you are 1) So much more well-informed and set up for success and 2) Less stressed because you’re not just blindly reacting to daily ups and downs.

You Will Learn,

  • The 4 (most important) Metrics for Paid Traffic Success.
  • What Molly predicts for 2022.
  • Why you shouldn’t give up on Facebook & Instagram.
  • How much you should be spending across all Ads Platforms.

And more!



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00:00 “We all know that paid advertising is one of the most, if not the most important lever that you can pull to grow your business, especially in 2022” Molly Pittman.

01:10 Train My Traffic Person Mentorship (Open for Enrollment)!

02:38 How The State Of Paid Ads Report Is Pulled Together.

05:19 Let’s Dive Into Some Data.

06:10 The First of 4 (Most Important) Metrics To Paid Traffic Success:

13:24 A shift in the tides?

19:48 Metric #2, Outbound Click Through Rates.

25:07 “Facebook is getting smarter in the wake of iOS 14.5. Instagram’s getting smarter, and yeah, there’s other Ad platforms out there, but at the end of the day, Facebook and Instagram are still King and Queen of volume, targeting, and the self-serve Ad platform.” Ezra Firestone

26:20 Metric #3, Cost Per Clicks

29:57 Metric #4, ROAS (everyone’s favorite metric).

33:35 What If You Don’t Have Budget For Third Party Tracking Tools?

34:11 Ezra’s Rule of Thumb For Ad Spend Across All Ad Platforms

35:20 “So guys let’s make this the best year yet together. Please join Train My Traffic Person. We believe this is absolutely the best experience on the market.” Molly Pittman.

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Smart Marketer podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us an honest review on @ApplePodcasts, and be sure to subscribe wherever you are listening.

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