
The Secret To Your Best Paid Ad Strategy (For 2021-2022)

Is iOs 14 tanking your paid Ads?

Unless you’re a data-lover like our host John Grimshaw, even the word ‘Audit’ can elicit a sense of dread, right? But actually, it’s not bad at all. Auditing your business is the best way to get a feel for what is going on today and figure out what you need to do tomorrow. A great Audit process will produce exciting results for your paid media strategy and help you determine how to move forward with a winning game plan.

In this episode, our host, John Grimshaw, will help you ‘isolate the signal from the noise’ with a free Auditing tool that he and Molly use at Smart Marketer (and a breakdown of how to use it).

You will learn:

  • Your competitive advantage.
  • Weaknesses in your business that you need to be aware of.
  • The best plan of action for your Paid Ad strategy.


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0:00 “Auditing is more about looking at what IS happening rather than what you want to happen, and when you start to notice trends and patterns that are happening, regardless of your intention, you can say, oh man, how can I dive in and correct it.” John Grimshaw.

2:23 Let’s talk about this under-leveraged tool; Audits.

3:39 A quick example from Boom by Cindy Joseph.

5:09 How to go about this process (no intimidation required).

6:44 “When you start to split data out, you can find out what’s going on, right? It’s kind of isolating what the signal is from the noise. If you look at all of your campaigns in total, you don’t necessarily notice, so splitting it out at this high-level breakdown between awareness and retargeting is a great strategy.” John Grimshaw.

7:16 Numbers to look at and ‘drill down’ metrics.

12:11 The secret to being a good analyst.

14:25 Look at the Ads; A brief example from Smart Marketer.

15:37 Facebook is not smart enough to tell you what is and isn’t working. The quality metrics are still not powerful enough. You have to dive in.

17:12 Look again at your Audiences.

17:57 In summary…

18:51 “Create a regular schedule for how you’re going to look at this. I think diving in and auditing what’s going on, not just in your Facebook ads, but in your email, on your website, with your content, it’s going to be one of the best ways to find out what is working in your business and Hey, what’s not working – that you should do less of.” John Grimshaw.

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