Scaling Faster: The Metrics That Actually Matter

Molly Pittman

Episode 211: Scaling Faster: The Metrics That Actually Matter

Molly Pittman         Molly Pittman        
Episode 211: Scaling Faster: The Metrics That Actually Matter           Episode 211: Scaling Faster: The Metrics That Actually Matter          
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    Are you still tracking Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)? If so, it’s time for an upgrade. In this episode, Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw dive into Customer Value Velocity (CVV)—a smarter, more actionable metric that helps businesses scale faster and make better marketing decisions. Learn how top brands are using CVV to increase revenue, improve monetization, and acquire the right customers.

    “If you’re only tracking LTV, you’re missing the full picture of how revenue is really flowing in your business.” – John Grimshaw

    You Will Learn:

    • Why LTV is outdated and what to track instead.
    • How Customer Value Velocity helps you scale revenue smarter.
    • The key difference between acquisition and monetization (and why they must work together).
    • Why tracking speed of revenue matters just as much as total revenue.
    • The most important monetization strategies to increase repeat sales.
    • How top brands like Starbucks optimize customer value for faster ROI.


    00:00:00 – Introduction: Why LTV is Outdated & What to Track Instead
    00:00:45 – Meet John Grimshaw: Monetization & Acquisition Expert, CMO of Smart Marketer
    00:02:07 – The flaw in traditional LTV tracking
    00:03:47 – Numbers Don’t Lie
    00:24:01 – This Just In
    00:30:20 – Action Of The Month
    00:49:47 – Copy This Win

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