
Our Top 2 Marketing Campaigns of 2020

And the winners are… Welcome to a new segment of #WeOutHere, where hosts Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw share real successes and failures from their brands. In this episode, they break down 2 of their most successful marketing campaigns in 2020. These campaigns come from 2 different brands (information products vs. physical products) focusing on two different objectives (acquisition vs. monetization) and no matter kind of business you’re in, this content will absolutely be applicable to you!

You Will Learn:

    • Why you should think about your marketing campaigns as a story
    • The new launch strategy that resulted in Smart Marketer’s biggest launch of 2020
    • Why offering a downsell was the icing on our launch’s cake
    • How Ezra used anticipation to sell out his product launch and have his best month ever

Resources Links: include other episodes, blog posts, websites, training, events,

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1:55 #WeOutHere Segment – Why you should think about your marketing campaigns as a story with a beginning, a middle and an end.

3:53 Launch for Smart Marketer (Physical Products) – See how we used a long-form launch model to have our best promo of the year!

6:25 Why it’s important to mix up your launch angles when selling education and information products, and how our marketing of TMTP has evolved over time.

9:00 Lead Generation – Why we decided to us a Facebook Popup Group for the first time to deliver the content for this launch (it wasn’t just a gimmick!).

14:00 Content Delivery – What made this launch so effective? We came up with a PLAN to keep people engaged.

18:35 The Pitch & The Close – We used a new pitch approach! Plus, see how we ran our ads and our emails for this launch.

27:30 Running ads to our warm audiences, and why SCARCITY isn’t a dirty word.

33:00 Taking a moment to be vulnerable and transparent: here’s why we were disappointed.

34:50 Icing on the Cake – The downsell that made our launch results that much sweeter.

37:10 The BOOM! Launch (Physical Products) – Go behind the scenes of the product launch that helped Ezra’s ecommerce brand have its best month EVER.

39:07 How Ezra uses anticipation to sell out his product launches.

41:17 The Open – Our 11-email promotional schedule (and why we only got to send 7).

43:45 John’s lesson for marketers: Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula

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