
Our 3-Day Leadership Retreat

What happens when execs from Smart Marketer, Zipify & BOOM! all link up? In this episode, learn the process we used to form our business plan for the next 18 months. We also talk about all the FUN we had at our C-level retreat — we did everything from chopping wood, to revisiting our mission statement, to Ezra cheffin’ up a delicious dinner for us. Plus, Molly answers 2 questions from her Instagram followers that we think everyone should hear. To share your feedback or get a question answered on the podcast, follow and message Molly on Instagram at @mollypittmandigital.

You’ll Learn:

  • Molly’s #1 tip for success in business
  • Everything we did at our 3-day leadership retreat
  • The surprising question Ezra asked the team
  • The main reason people fail at business, according to Molly

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What are Molly, Ezra & John Up To?

Ezra will be hosting a free training next Thursday, 4/29 at 7pm ET all about how to use email effectively in your business.

When you do it right, email is one of your business’s strongest levers – BOOM! generated $12,654,178 with email marketing in the last 12 months, and Ezra will be breaking down his system and discussing how to replicate it in your business!

Register for the Leveraging Email for Sales & Profit training and join Ezra on 4/29 at 7pm ET.


0:52 The benefit of face-to-face interaction with your team.

2:10 Our plan for the next 18 months.

4:09 Vision & Values — revisiting our mission statement.

5:20 Ezra surprised us with THIS question…

6:48 Why you should bring a shot list to your photoshoot.

8:04 Reinforcing and adding to the business infrastructure.

9:46 Why 3-day retreats work best for us.

11:03 Molly’s #1 tip for success in business.

14:13 The main reason people fail at business, according to Molly.

16:25 Thanks for listening!

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