
One Stop Shop is Coming!


Video Highlights:
0:05 One Stop Shop is a Shopify-approved program.
0:10 OSS is a digital version of our E-commerce bootcamp
0:30 Our core competency in Smart Marketer is traditional E-commerce platforms
1:00 When you have your own platform, you’re responsible for the bells and whistles
1:30 Adding multiple product sales videos to your sales page
2:10 “What People are Saying” section of sales page
3:00 We have a new piece of software that allows for one-time use coupon codes
3:15 Sending customs to an “incentivized video review landing page”
4:10 This allows for video reviews on sales page or Amazon listing
4:25 Filtering out positive and negative reviews
5:15 One Stop Shop will be an 8 week course

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The One Stop Shop, a Shopify approved program. I actually got permission from Shopify to use their logo, in our logo, which is really cool. And basically what this is, is it’s a digital version of our e-commerce boot camp. We started in e-commerce with e-commerce stores, with traditional e-commerce stores nine, almost 10 years ago now.

And then now we’ve moved in. We’re doing really well on Amazon, but we’re still… our still core competency. Now we’re great Amazon marketers, we’re phenomenal at it, but our core competency, what we’re best at, is traditional e-commerce platforms. And we have been bringing people in who are doing well on Amazon and hanging out with them for three days and helping them build out an e-commerce platform. When you’re selling on Amazon. You’ve got them doing the platform part of it. They’re the platform, they’re the pages, they’re the website and they’re collecting payments and they’re basically doing the marketing for you.

Well, when you have your own platform, not only do you have to do the marketing and generate the visibility and make the conversions happen. But you also have to build out the platform and all the pages and all the bells and whistles and the third-party applications that plug into the platform. The pre-purchase sequences and the post purchase sequences and all this stuff. And so I’ll show you a couple new elements we’ve figured out here.

We’ve figured out that this is one of our… We’ve got a couple different product detail page layouts, but basically, if you can have video above the fold on an e-commerce product detail page, these are the product sales videos here. We used to have only the ability to have one product sales video, but a lot of times you need two or three product sales videos. Maybe one that talks about the ingredients and one that shows a demo of how to use the product.

So now we’ve got the element of having multiple product sales videos on the product detail page, and you’ll notice that this is our other high converting e-commerce product detail page template. Again, multiple product videos, used to be only one. But I want to show you this little part what people are saying down here. So we’ve got this template that we’ve built in. This is rolling out in the next… Basically what we do is, we continually update this thing, we test stuff and then whatever works, we build into the theme for the people who have it so they’re always getting new elements. And this is, essentially, and you can use this for your…

Basically if you’re running the Mississippi Muffin Top, which is our campaign that allows you to generate reviews for your Amazon products. So you basically send people to a page, and I think we gave you one of the pages in Pin-Commerce, at least a thank you page. But you send people to a page that says, “Hey, try our product out at a discount. Enter email address to get your coupon” and then they enter their email address. You guys are familiar with an Amazon discount campaign. We actually have a piece of software that will be ready in about three weeks that allows you to do onetime use coupon codes. And, of course, we’re going to roll that out to you guys first and let you use that and let us know what you think.

But basically, once you get a customer and you have their email address, you can then send them to what’s called an incentivized video review landing page. That’s what we’re calling it because we’re incentivizing people to give us a video review of our product. So it says, “Hey, get a free $10 gift card by sending us a short video review of, in this case, BOOMTOUCH. A free $10.00 Starbucks gift card.” Picture of a hero shot of our product and it says, “Hey, BOOM, by Cindy Joseph will send you a $10 Starbucks gift card” and to be fair, there’s a guy that was in Blue Ribbon Mastermind who did this in his business and showed it to us. And it was just like, “Whoa, this is brilliant.”

And so this is our version of that. “We’ll send you a $10 Starbucks gift card in return for a 20 to 50 second video review on our product and enter you into a $250 Starbucks bonus.” And then it basically walks them through. Grab a tablet, record your video, here’s what needs to be in it, email it to us, and get your gift card. And so basically, what this allows us to do then, is have video reviews of people on our product detail page.

And you can also incentivize people to go and post the video review on your Amazon listing. And you can actually have the page lay out how to post it on Amazon. I know a lot of people are doing this. After they run their Mississippi Muffin Tops, what they’re doing is to the email opt-ins of the people who bought, after they’ve followed up with the people asked for feedback.

The way we do it is we follow up with them. We ask for feedback, and once they leave positive feedback we then manually send them a message inside of Amazon and say, “Hey! Please leave us a review. You left us feedback.” And that’s how we filter out positive and negative. And if they leave us negative feedback, then we address that. And then after that, after you’ve gotten the review, then you can follow up and incentivize them to get a video review for your Amazon product detail page, or if you have an e-commerce store, in this case an e-commerce space.

And the reason I’m telling you about this is because the One Stop Shop is the digital version of our e-commerce boot camp. Because not everyone can come to New York. Not everyone can spend three days with us. You’ve got kids, you’ve got a life, you’ve got things you’re doing. And so we are rolling out a digital version of our e-commerce boot camp which is essentially will be an eight week course. It will come with the Shopify theme and all that stuff, which will be a couple of months. So I wanted to give you a little sneak peak into some of that. And man, there’s so much other cool stuff. That’s just like one of 50 different amazing campaigns that we have built into this e-commerce platform.

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