
When (And Why) “Low” ROAS Numbers Are A Good Thing (With Ezra Firestone and Molly Pittman)

Ezra Firestone (Founder of Boom, Zipify, Smart Marketer, and now the owner of Overtone) talks with our Host (and CEO of Smart Marketer), Molly Pittman, in this encouraging beginning-of-the-year episode. Listen as Ezra throws out some wicked-smart wisdom on life and business, and Molly gets to a core question that she is asked All. The. Time. Together they set the record straight on how to think about Top Of Funnel Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Ezra and Molly provide a seasoned viewpoint that will help you better think about it, especially if you’re drawn to those bigger ROAS numbers.

“Would you rather have a 10X ROAS? Where you acquire five customers to sell stuff to later and continue to increase their lifetime value, or would you rather have a 1X or 2X ROAS where you’ve acquired a hundred customers that you get to monetize further? That’s what’s missing from the ROAS metric; it does not show scale”.

You Will Learn:

  • The fastest way to get to the life you want to live
  • Why ROAS is the most misleading metric,
  • Why a 1.2 ROAS Is Worth Celebrating

And More…


Today’s episode is a recording of our hugely successful Team Traffic program. To find out more, check out


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Time Stamps:

00:00 “Would you rather have a 10X ROAS? Where you acquire five customers to sell stuff to later and continue to increase their lifetime value, or would you rather have a 1X or 2X ROAS where you’ve acquired a hundred customers that you get to monetize further? That’s what’s missing from the ROAS metric; it does not show scale”. Molly Pittman.

02:55 Let’s Dive In: Ezra’s Process For Setting New Year Goals

04:18 “You don’t know what’s gonna be thrown at you, but what you do know and what you can control is how you show up to that, how you navigate that, and how you intend to have a good life and show up deliberately” Ezra Firestone.

07:31 How can you tell if you’re out of balance?

08:40 “You gotta be able to check yourself because nobody’s gonna hold you accountable other than you.” Ezra Firestone.

09:22 Shed The Weight.

13:47 Business-wise

14:58 A Common Question Ezra Can Answer Best

16:54 The Best ROAS You Can Expect Right Now

22:33 It’s All About Your Margin Profile

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