Molly Pittman
Getting file data..
When faced with returning adversity, are you growing through the process? Take a moment to reflect with hosts Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw as they share how mishandling certain situations ultimately helped them grow as individuals. They explain that some challenges in life keep coming back, but how we handle them the 2nd time and thereafter is what’s important. Learning from your mistakes is key to improving your life and the lives of others around you and our hosts share a few tips on how you can translate your moments of failure into future moments of success.
You’ll Learn:
• What a “mistake” really is, according to Molly and John
• The “Upward Spiral”
• Where Molly feels she still has room to improve
• John’s proven process to help you acknowledge your value and self-worth
Resources Links: include other episodes, blog posts, websites, training, events,
• Balanced Being
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