03 Days
07 Hours
46 Minutes
54 Seconds

How To Keep Your Team Together (And Achieve Un-Common Success), With Ezra Firestone

Molly Pittman

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Molly Pittman         Molly Pittman        
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    In 17 years of business, none of Ezra’s employees have ever quit. Yes, you read that right. If you want to learn how to manage inevitable conflict (and keep your “A Players”), you need to listen to this episode. You will learn how to find out what’s really going on among your teams, how to prevent trouble on the ground, and then how to deal with it when it arises.

    “What people want is to feel heard, acknowledged, and valued. And it is your job as the leader of the ship to listen to them. And there aren’t very many people in the world who actually listen. If you are one of them, you have a superpower.” Ezra Firestone.

    You Will Learn:

    • What to do when employees start battling each other
    • Ezra’s Superpower- that you can learn too
    • The opposite of “Quiet Quitting” (that’s just as harmful)
    • How to know when it’s time to fire someone.

    And More…



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    Time Stamps:

    04:25 It Starts With The Company Culture

    09:36 Pay as generously as you can

    14:51 The most common scenarios that happen all the time

    17:56 Quiet Quitting

    22:41 Sometimes you have to fire people, and It’s the right thing to do.

    23:56 Now for the hard part: Feedback

    25:00 “Never communicate with an emotional charge. No anger, no fear. You know, you’ve gotta be completely flat.” Ezra Firestone.

    28:10 “Paying attention to the group dynamics is as much a part of your business as running the operations of the business. Because ultimately, if the people fail to get along or don’t have confidence in your leadership and whether or not you care about their experience, they will leave to other companies.” Ezra Firestone.

    29:01 “Acknowledgement is a currency that you can wield in this world to take you places.” Ezra Firestone

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