
How to Evaluate Facebook Ad Campaigns

Now that you’ve collected campaign data, what’s next? In this #WeOutHere segment, John Grimshaw shares the simple formula he created to help media buyers know whether it’s time to scale a campaign or to go back and make improvements. You’ll learn how to set your scaling budget, the timeline to follow, and why John compares scaling to cooking rice. 🙂

You’ll Learn:

  • What needs to happen to scale confidently
  • The simple and complex scaling formula
  • How to determine your risk tolerance
  • How long you should wait before checking the performance metrics

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0:59 After you launch your paid traffic campaign, is it time to scale or go back and fix something? Now that we have our data, it’s time to begin evaluating and making decisions.

3:02 Harsh Truth — John shares what needs to happen in order to scale confidently.

3:47 Using BOOM!’s cold traffic offer as an example, John translates the campaign numbers and explains why their model works.

6:00 Examining Smart Marketer’s cold traffic offer to the TMTP Bootcamp, John shows the need to emphasize the numbers.

7:32 Learn the complex formula John uses to make decisions confidently when scaling.

8:52 For easier consumption, John gives us the simple formula he uses to attain the same confidence when making scaling decisions.

11:05 Understanding — If you’re ready to scale, you can assume costs are going to increase.

14:42 Planning — Here’s how much your scaling budget should be and the timeline to follow.

17:11 What’s your risk tolerance? If you aren’t sure, this section will help you figure it out.

19:43 We know you want to check performance metrics a few times a day, but here’s how long you should wait before checking it again.

21:39 “Keep the lid on the rice” – John, comparing scaling to cooking rice and how it applies to campaign evaluation.

23:20 Thanks for listening!

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