
Holiday Special: Get to Know us Better (Our Stories)

Have You Found Happiness in Your Life & Career Path? Join in as our hardened hosts, Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw and favorite guest Ezra Firestone (SM / Zipify / BOOM! By Cindy Joseph) dive deep into their origin stories. You might be surprised by the paths they’ve taken to become the people they are today. Similar to many marketers and business owners, they’ve faced their share of challenges and moments of glory that helped define their purposes in life and in business. While listening, you might start to realize their journey isn’t too different from your own, and hopefully this helps you discover a new approach to happiness and success!

Guest Intro/Links:

Ezra Firestone

From humble beginnings to running an 8-figure ecommerce business, Ezra’s story has been an interesting one. One thing that’s been consistent throughout is his hustler’s ambition. He’s sold everything from jelly beans to mullet wigs to mascara. Listen in as he explains how underground poker is what actually brought him to NYC, and how being there helped him build the foundation for his most successful business.


You’ll Learn:

    • How Ezra’s environment growing up prepared him for the future
    • Ezra’s 3 pillars to business
    • How Molly fell in love with digital marketing
    • How John and Molly met
    • John’s reasons why marketing was right for him

Resources Links: include other episodes, blog posts, websites, training, events,

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What’s Molly & John Up To?

Join Molly, John, Ezra, and 30+ other business experts for Smart Traffic Live, a 3-day jam-packed virtual summit streaming live on December 2-4, 2020.

We’ll discuss Retargeting Campaigns, Scaling Tactics, Social Media Management, and much more! Bonuses include our Profitable Promotion Blueprint ($397 value).

Reserve your seat here: Get My Ticket!
Use code “STL2020PODCAST” to get $100 off your ticket.

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