
Haters Gonna Hate

How do you deal with negative feedback? If you’re in the business of serving customers or sharing your perspective, then you’re likely no stranger to haters. And while constructive feedback has real value, many complaints (and sometimes insults) aren’t so helpful.

We struggle with negative feedback, and I know a lot of you do, too. So we got Ezra to weigh in on how he manages the haters while still listening to and respecting his customers. He shares his strategies for empathizing and learning from useful complaints, protecting himself from hurtful ones, and knowing which is which.

You Will Learn:

    • How our team handles negative comments
    • Why “sitting” in a negative comment helps deliver a positive outcome
    • How to deal with customers who aren’t satisfied with your products
    • Why you should keep your self-worth and your career accomplishments separate

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1:14 Negative comments can hurt… Molly shares her story.

2:07 And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate (Shake it off!).

5:38 Ezra explains how he handles negative feedback from customers.

7:28 Ezra explains how he handles negative feedback from non-customers.

8:02 You’re not a fish… DON’T TAKE THE BAIT!

10:33 Why it helps to “sit” in negative comments and feelings

11:48 Separate your self-worth from career accomplishments (here’s why)…

13:37 Don’t burn the barn down! — John shares his position on negative comments.

16:56 Ezra shares how negative feedback differs across different business types.

18:24 Advice to take away from this episode.

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