
Half Way Through 2021 (Part 2) It’s Been Interesting

This has been an unusual year for a lot of brands and a tough year for many. So today, Molly and John invite you behind the scenes to take a look at the last six months at Smart Marketer. Hopefully, you can glean something from their experience and maybe feel a little less alone in your journey! Whether you’re having a knock-out year or not, it’s always a good idea to stop and reflect before you move forward.

This is Part 2! In Episode 56 (Part 1), Ezra Firestone talked with Molly and John about the challenges and successes across his E-Commerce and Saas brands.

Listen for:

  • The value of regular, intentional reflection in your business and personal life.
  • A great example of how to Pivot if something’s not working.
  • The danger of getting stuck in ‘Launch Mode.’
  • The joy of hiring family.



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0:00 “I know this has been a very interesting year for a lot of brands, a tough year, a year with a lot of opportunity, but also a year with a lot of hurdles. And so hopefully, us sharing our story and what our experiences have been so far makes you feel a little less alone on this journey.” Molly Pittman.

1:31 John shares why it’s essential to look back.

3:18 Find out if Smart Marketer has matched its 2019-2020 growth.

5:09 John shares the biggest WIN so far this year, the launch of a new Mentorship program (and why these programs are producing such great results).

9:33 “The most successful product that ever sells is not a brand new product, right? It’s not a brand new type of chip. Instead, it’s a different flavor of the same type of chip.” John Grimshaw.

10:55 The impact of working with Russ Henneberry.

14:19 John and Molly celebrate 70,000 downloads on the Podcast (so far).

17:16 The benefits of investing in your team and focusing on hiring.

19:56 Molly hired Family Members (and it’s going great)!

24:06 John is excited about Smart Marketer getting a design overhaul, “When you’re selling stuff digitally, design does matter.”

26:46 Molly talks about a key decision they made regarding Smart Traffic Live, “There’s nothing wrong with Smart Traffic Live, but there is a huge opportunity cost for us to put this event on’.

28:59 A smart Pivot that might inspire you to do something similar.

31:46 John’s biggest Takeaway from their recent launch.

32:05 “Most businesses are going to capitalize in Q3 and Q4, especially if you’re selling physical products, but even if you’re not, know that the best is yet to come.” Molly Pittman.

33:22 If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to hit “subscribe” and “Follow,” and please leave us an honest review on whichever platform you are listening. We appreciate you!

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