Half Way Through 2021! (Part 1) Ezra’s Playbook

Molly Pittman

Getting file data..   

Molly Pittman         Molly Pittman        
Getting file data..              Getting file data..             
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    How’s 2021 going for you? Is your business experiencing a reaction to 2020? Are your clients reeling or thriving? How about that pesky iOS14.5?
    In this episode, our hosts Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw talk with Ezra Firestone at the halfway point of an interesting year! Ezra shares frankly about the challenges and the successes across his E-Commerce and Saas brands.

    Listen to this #WeOutHere episode if you could use some encouragement, inspiration, and a Playbook for moving forward no matter where you find yourself this year.

    “I mean, it’s madness, and that is the life you’ve signed up for if you’re a business owner. There’s going to be a lot of stuff that goes right and a lot of stuff that goes wrong, and your job is to ride the wave, and you know, show up every day and give it what you’ve got” Ezra Firestone.

    You’ll Learn:

    • What’s happening across the board (and in all of Ezra’s businesses).
    • Ezra’s Playbook for those times when profits are down.
    • Keys to developing Leadership (and when that needs to be your top priority).
    • How to adapt your mindset as you move further into Leadership.



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    01.28 Bon Jovi joins the call?

    01:48 Ezra recaps 2021 so far at Boom by Cindy Joseph.

    02:37 The impact of iOs 14.5.

    05:55 Ezras Playbook for less profitable times.

    06:23 A Summer Slump?

    08:51 The best product launch ever.

    11:04 The benefits of an Open Product Launch Strategy.

    12:07 Ezra talks about their recent move onto Amazon.

    14:03 The inevitable struggles and chaos of being a Business Owner.

    14:47 How is Zipify doing in 2021? Ezra breaks down the ups and downs.

    19:15 What they see in regards to Facebook Ads and marketing.

    20:13 The beauty of a SAAS business.

    22:04 Keep working the Playbook.

    22:46 Why Ezra is focused on developing Leadership this year.

    25:24 The value of a Business Coach.

    26:58 “I find that…as you continue to develop, it becomes harder for me sometimes because I look back and I’m comparing productivity, and it looks so different because your actions are different. Your tasks are different. Your role is different.” Molly Pittman.

    27:27 Ezra talks about the natural agitation that occurs when you move from Driver to Navigator.

    29:09 How to reframe your mindset as you move further up in Leadership.

    29:49 How Molly is adapting to meet her need for ‘closed cycles.’

    31.04 If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to hit “subscribe” and “Follow,” and please leave us an honest review on whichever platform you are listening. We appreciate you!

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