
Get More Out Of Your Schedule: ‘A Day In The Life’ With Molly Pittman & John Grimshaw

Are you as productive as you could be? How about fulfilled?

It’s a million-dollar question and one that needs to be chewed on a little. But to help, we’re sharing an episode with Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw, who have both discovered some keys to success when it comes to living intentionally.

Tune in for this fun ‘Not Business’ episode, and you will get some tips and insights that might get you closer to the life you want to live. Hopefully, this show will validate what you’re already doing or give you some ideas of how you could operate to feel more fulfilled and be more productive.

You will learn:

  • How strict boundaries can help you (and where to put them)!
  • How theme-driven blocks of time are better than scheduling every minute.
  • Some of the biggest enemies of intentional living.
  • What the data shows about Mornings v. Afternoons.


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0:00 “I wanted to say this first, for those of you that listen to episodes like this from big influencers who wake up at 4:30 AM and Workout for 48 minutes, and then they eat breakfast for 12 minutes, and then they shower for four minutes – and bless those people. I mean, holy crap, that is a feat! But it’s not what makes me happy.” Molly Pittman.

01:00 Molly shares some exciting personal news.

04:20 Let’s talk about routines and schedules.

06:39 ‘A day in the life’ with Molly.

06:54 “I have very strong boundaries around the weekdays and the weekends, and that’s just helped me put a further division between me and my computer and me and my work life. It’s definitely not something that I’ve always had”. Molly Pittman.

14:54 What happens when Molly gets bored?

16:16 Molly invites you to Train My Traffic Person.

16:46 John takes the wheel and tells it like it is!

17:50 John shares how ‘theming’ his days has helped him to get more done.

19:26 “Opening up that browser is one of the most dangerous activities I think I can do!” John Grimshaw.

19:37 John’s big three.

20:21 Mornings v. Afternoons.

20:55 The thing about Mondays.

22:34 Slack: Possibly more of a time-suck than social media.

23:01 “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” Mark Twain

29:37 John shares what he’s currently researching to stay ahead of the curve.

30:28 Energy generation for Introverts and Extroverts.

31:35 It’s essential to think about your non-work routines: John breaks down his ideal week.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to hit “subscribe” and “Follow,” and please leave us an honest review on whichever platform you are listening to. We appreciate you!

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