
Focus On Your Personal Energy, w/ John Lee Dumas

If you want to increase your productivity at work and avoid the risk of burning out

Then finding a daily routine that prioritizes your health and happiness is a great place to start.

For John Lee Dumas (super busy host of the Entrepreneurs On Fire podcast), the biggest factor in growing his business this year is focusing on his own personal energy.

In this video, John shares a few simple techniques he uses to stay more productive and more positive throughout the day.


0:08 The first 90 minutes of the day are focused on me
0:14 I am giving myself the energy so that for the following 9-10 hours, I am able to give my best to my business
0:50 You can’t always do everything that you want to do all the time, but if you are doing it most of the time, you are living a life of success

Click Here For Video Transcript

Most focus on my business right now as my personal energy. I’m a big believer. And the fact that when I wake up in the morning, the first 90 minutes of the day are gonna be focused on me with hydration, with exercise, with meditation, with journaling. What I’m doing there is I’m giving myself the energy so that for the following 8, 9, 10 hours of the workday, I’m able to give my best to my business. I can’t do that by waking up, jumping into email, jumping into social media, answering questions from my customers.

I can do that by first serving myself in the best manner, giving myself the most energy, and that’s my focus in 2018. I love being able to wake up in the morning, look at my calendar and say “Everything that’s on that calendar is something that I put there, that I chose to do that’s gonna lighten me up inside. If I’m living most of my days like that, that’s success to me. You know, you can’t always do everything that you wanna to do all the time. But if you’re doing it most of the time, you’re living a life of success.

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