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Facebook Live With Cindy Joseph

Sometimes… You gotta be hustlin’ on a Sunday!

We don’t normally work on Sundays, but this week is special: we have with us the one-and-only Cindy Joseph.

She’s in town for a short time, so we’re using the opportunity to shoot some video for our BOOM! by Cindy Joseph brand.

Lately, I’ve really enjoyed leveraging Facebook Live to create engaging content. I think it’s a great way to shoot fun, casual footage to share with your friends and subscribers…

So I shot this Facebook Live to give you a quick peek behind the scenes.

I hope you enjoy it!

Video Highlights
0:08 Sometimes you gotta hustle on a Sunday
0:27 Sneak peek into our video shoot
0:49 Video bullet points
1:01 The Meditation Room
1:10 Ukeleles on the wall and a quick jam
1:48 We have Cindy in from California to shoot some videos

Click Here For Video Transcript

Ezra: We’re live. We’re just live… We do color for just… Yeah, hey, here we are. We’re in my basement. We’re live. It’s a Sunday. Sometimes you gotta hustle on a Sunday. Check it out. There’s Cindy Joseph. She’s magnificent. She’s a star. She’s the best there ever was. I’ve never seen anyone on camera as good as her. I like to think I’m pretty good, but nobody tops it. Cindy, how do you be so good, you know?

Cindy: First, I surround myself with my friends.

Ezra: There you go. So anyways, I just want to give you a sneak peek into our little video shoot here. We’ve got a three-camera setup, some video lights. We’ve got a little white paper backdrop. Uh-oh. I just kicked something. I tend to knock things over. Carrie’s doin’ her magic. We’ve got the bullet points, which I won’t show you because they’re kinda funny. I’ll just show you just a few of them there on the screen, right, so that Cindy can be sitting in her chair and she can see some bullet points and then be talking to the camera and you won’t actually know.

Over here, we have our meditation room. I’ll just show you the floor. That’s a tatami mat over there.

Carrie: The instruments?

Ezra: Oh, yeah. We’ve got some ukuleles on the wall up there…

Carrie: Do you want to give them a quick jam?

Ezra: …chingle art. A quick little…

Carrie: A quick little jam?

Ezra: A quick little jam? All right. We’ll do a little jam. Yeah. We’ll do a little jam for ‘ya. All right, here we go.

Carrie: Take this.

Ezra: All right. You grab me. You’re facin’ me now. Here we go. All right. This is just a little song for ‘ya here. Outta tune. Oh, it’s outta tune.

Anyways we’re havin’ fun. It’s Sunday. We don’t usually work on Sundays, but we got Cindy all the way in from California to shoot some videos for our BOOM! by Cindy Joseph brand. Here’s some of the products we’re using in the video. Gotta make sure you do good product placement. And hope you’ve enjoyed a little sneak peek behind the scenes at our Smart Marketer BOOM! by Cindy Joseph video shoot here. So thanks for tunin’ in, and I’ll catch up with you on the blog. Bye.

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