
Ezra’s Personal Checklist for Choosing a Market in 2021

Can you tell the difference between good & bad business opportunities? Join us as Ezra Firestone reveals what the “perfect” business opportunity looks like and which business models to avoid. Many variables will impact your success and pleasure when starting a new business, and to help steer you in the right direction, Ezra goes deep on the opportunities and drawbacks of different business types, including markets, shipping costs, selling propositions, influencers and more!

You’ll Learn:

  • What to consider when purchasing an active brand
  • Why selling online is becoming the preferred sales method
  • Ezra’s recommended profit margin for an ideal product
  • How micro-influencers can impact your business

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1:03 “Buy for one and sell for five.” – Ezra

3:19 The market matters. Will there be a large enough audience to sell to?

3:59 Avoid starting a business that…

6:37 What else Ezra looks for when starting a new business.

9:59 Purchasing an active brand? Read this first.

11:02 Growth Opportunities — Will you be able to grow that active brand?

18:27 Thanks for listening!

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