
Ezra’s 2021 Ad Strategy

How are you improving your ad strategy from last year? Ezra Firestone hosts today’s podcast to share his new 5-point ad strategy for 2021. With the number of ecommerce businesses on the rise, competition is increasing and standing out in your market is more important than ever. Thankfully, Ezra’s here to give you ad strategies that will give you a big advantage. You’ll learn about content library optimization, creative split-tests, opt-in strategies, top of funnel acquisitions and so much more!

You’ll Learn:

  • How Ezra leverages creative content
  • The secret behind Ezra’s most-engaged with ad
  • Why you should focus on one front-end customer acquisition funnel
  • The difference between pre-sell and long-form sale pages

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0:59 Ambassador Blueprint Course — Ezra received a ton of content from his ambassadors last year and now’s the time to begin fully leveraging this content. (1)

3:21 Find out which skill set Ezra required from his new video editor and why this skill set was so important.

6:44 Is it a hatchet or an axe? Ezra explains what he was doing in his most engaged ad and why it upset so many people.

8:42 With the success of last year’s opt-in strategy, it’s time to double-down. (2)

11:27 Here’s why we believe you should focus on only one front-end customer acquisition funnel. (3)

13:23 What’s the difference between pre-sell and long-form sale pages? We tell you why we’ll be using both as top of funnel ads. (4)

15:03 For the first time ever, Ezra’s adding a low-budget evergreen discount campaign to his marketing efforts. Why? The results speak for themselves. (5)

17:41 In a nutshell… these are the 5-points of Ezra’s 2021 ad strategy.

18:27 Thanks for listening!

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