
Everything You Need To Know About Instagram DM Automation (A Taste Of Team Traffic)

What is it, and How does it work? Should I get on board? How do I dive in?

We think these are great questions and just in time for today’s episode. We’re here to help. So we’ve brought in the experts, and we are giving you a taste of our Team Traffic program! Listen as Natasha Takahashi, Co-Founder & CMO of School of Bots talks with Danielle Pierre, Marketing Manager @ Smart Marketer, about the new Instagram DM automation (and how it can help you).

Listen for:

  • How much of your Traffic actually needs a human support element.
  • Why this tool is more effective than Instagram’s “Swipe Up” feature for lead capture.
  • The Bigger picture benefit to getting on board with Instagram DM Automation.
  • 4 Different ways you can encourage your followers to ‘Opt-in.’



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0:00 “Ideally, about 10% of your traffic only really needs a human support element to it. And about 80 to 90% of it, that’s at least what we aim for once we’ve got a full system going that the rest of the traffic can always talk to the automated system and get whatever they need done”. Natasha Takahashi

0:30 An introduction to Team Traffic.

1:32 Natasha Takahashi shares why this is such an excellent tool for your Business.

1:56 Dives into the background on her testing, her clients, and her expertise.

3:43 The amazing thing about Instagram.

5:15 Hear how you can boost these posts.

6:10 How businesses tend to answer Direct Messages now, and how it might look after setting up this tool.

8:00 How much of your traffic actually needs a human support element?

9:41 Automating for Customer Support.

10:37 Facebook’s bigger vision – a Buyers Platform.

12:43 The four top apps in the Facebook ecosystem.

14:12 “Whatever efforts you’re putting into it today, this is all going to apply, not just to these three apps, but really any messaging channels moving forward. Whatever efforts you’re putting into it today, this is all going to apply, not just to these three apps, but really any messaging channels moving forward”. Natasha Takahashi.

15:00 What’s up with What’s App?

16:14 The different ways that people can Opt-In.

18:13 “It’s not only that you can also follow up with them now and make sure that they did redeem that offer, with the DM, there’s more commitment that’s happening from the user.” Natasha Takahashi

24:35 Direct Message Natasha on Instagram or Facebook, and you can see Instagram DM Automation in real-time.

33:22 If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to hit “subscribe” and “Follow,” and please leave us an honest review on whichever platform you are listening. We appreciate you!

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