
Our Top 12 Email Subject Lines of 2020

What’s the most important sentence in an email? The Subject Line. Our hosts, Molly Pittman (SM CEO) and John Grimshaw (SM CMO,) have collectively created thousands of subject lines during their time as digital marketers, and within the last year they’ve seen some of their highest click-through rates ever. After analyzing the data, they’ve compiled a list of their top 12 highest converting email subject lines across 3 different business types (physical products information, and SaaS). Listen in as they discuss why these 12 subject lines were so effective, then implement these strategies in your business by grabbing the swipe file here.

You’ll Learn:

    • What John considers “the most powerful tool” for business
    • The top 4 email subject lines from Smart Marketer (information brands)
    • The top 4 email subject lines from BOOM! By Cindy Joseph (physical product brands)
    • The top 4 email subject lines from Zipify (SaaS)
    • Why each email resonates with the receiver

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What’s Molly & John Up To?

Join Molly, John, Ezra, and 30+ other business experts for Smart Traffic Live, a 3-day jam-packed virtual summit streaming live on December 2-4, 2020.

We’ll discuss Retargeting Campaigns, Scaling Tactics, Social Media Management, and much more! Bonuses include our Profitable Promotion Blueprint ($397 value).

Reserve your seat here: Get My Ticket!
Use code “STL2020PODCAST” to get $100 off your ticket.

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