
Change Your Routines, Change Your Life (Part 1)

Do you want to be more productive? We know how challenging it can be to start new routines or change old ones. So, in this 2-part series, our hosts share how they overcame bad habits and how that led to more productivity at work and at home. We discuss the power of consistency, finding balance in a remote setting, and how to develop new routines that promote personal growth.

You’ll Learn:

  • How Ezra’s routine changed over time
  • Why you should set a container around how long you work
  • The beauty of rituals
  • Where to start if you have no routine

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1:28 Ezra shares the first step of implementing a productive routine.

4:16 Routines usually start when…

5:33 Are others dependent on your routines?

8:42 Here’s what Ezra’s new routine consists of.

10:33 The beauty of rituals.

13:50 “Routine is a tool you can use toward your goal…”

17:37 Thanks for listening!

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