
Best Practices for Campaign Structuring in 2021

Are you ready to implement new testing strategies in 2021? Hosts Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw give us an in-depth look at how they plan to test and optimize their ads now that there’s a decline in in-platform data. John explains conversion “attribution” and gives examples of software and non-software attribution models and services. Plus, he shares the 3 key categories of his tracking strategy, as well as some best practices on what’s working now in their campaigns.

You’ll Learn:

  • The difference between the old and new Facebook ads systems
  • Examples of non-digital attribution models
  • John’s recommendations for conversion event setup
  • Best practices for test campaigns

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0:00 The Train My Traffic Person Mentorship enrollment period is now open until February 18, 2021. Limited seating available. Secure your spot now!

2:33 You don’t need a lab coat to run these tests, but you’ll still feel like a scientist by the end.

3:37 To understand where we’re going, we need to look back at where we came from; John highlights how the old FB model worked.

6:11 Scaling — Let’s talk “Big Picture Strategy”.

7:35 Most of the changes coming sound a little unpleasant. Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world, but it will require us to test various methods.

10:26 Attribution — Here’s what it means, plus examples of non-software models.

16:27 Attribution — Here’s the types of software you can use to track attribution.

20:20 Which tracking strategy should you use? We tell you the 3 key categories used to determine which strategy is best for you.

27:15 Here’s how to get the most out of your conversion events.

28:58 Molly shares her thoughts on how to choose between using ABO and CBO.

34:14 What’s Working For Us — Our best practices for test campaigns.

36:13 Have you found your audience size “sweet spot”? Let’s discuss.

41:56 Learn the metrics our hosts use to determine whether or not a campaign is working.

44:18 “I spit coffee all over my wall. It took me 30 minutes to clean it.” – John, sharing a story from Team Traffic.

45:51 FB Ads Manager is still a valuable source of data. Here are a few reasons why it’s still in a class of its own.

50:04 Everyone loves bonuses, so here’s a bonus tip from our data guru, John Grimshaw.

52:47 Our hosts share their final thought on campaign structuring.

55:03 Thanks for listening!

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