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Six (Not Business) Tools That Might Just Change Your Life.

If you want to feel better, think better, sleep better, connect with your roots, and stress less(!) tune in today for some slightly unexpected tools that Molly Pittman and John Grimshaw rely on in their personal lives. In this not-business episode, our hosts each share their Top Three favorite tools, hoping that they might help you too!

P.S None of these tools are sponsored! #NOTanAD

You will learn:

  • How to reset your Stress Hormones.
  • The App that Molly can not sleep without.
  • John’s (not) secret way to ‘think better.’
  • A ReMarkable De-Cluttering device.

Some Of The Tools Mentioned!


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0:00 “I think it’s one of the most powerful tools we have. That’s more of a mental framework, I suppose, but it’s one of the best ways to know ourselves better to know what we need to know what we do well and to figure out what’s next.” John Grimshaw.

01:32 How Molly resets her Stress Hormones.

05:39 “So this has been an absolute life-changing tool for me the last six years and something that I will continue to do every year or so to make sure that my adrenal health is good to go.” Molly Pittman

05:51 An ancient ‘tool’ that still delivers life-giving results.

07:28 Molly shares a quick business tip she saw in action at her local Farmers Market.

08:41 How does Molly sleep better?

12:02 John takes the reigns.

13:12 The first tool John wants to share and possibly his best purchase in the last five years.

17:57 This tool must be good because John’s raving about it, and it hasn’t even arrived yet!

20:57 The last tool John wants to share.

23:26 “So I like that this is helping me ground myself in the actual ecosystem and environment around me.” John Grimshaw.

24:50 If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to hit “subscribe” and “Follow,” and please leave us an honest review on whichever platform you are listening to. We appreciate you!

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