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Mav Barrena: The Importance of Quality Leads & How to Generate Repeat Customers

Mav Barrena is a sales funnel and email marketing expert, and in this interview she discusses the importance of quality leads, how to generate repeat customers, and why we all need to focus on human-to-human communication.

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“What I’m most focused on in my business right now is creating passive communications, so that my leads and prospects naturally and logically ascend.

I want more repeat customers, and I want quality leads. I don’t want just everybody to click on my ads and hit my landing page if the offer isn’t good for them.

I want customers that want what I have to sell, and I want to make sure that they’re coming back to me over and over again.

In order to get a qualified lead, you need to start paying attention to the customers that you have right now. Look at the people who are coming to you. Study them. There are a lot of tools that you can use that will analyze the data for you. Data will always tell you the most information.

And also remember that you are a person and they are a person. Human-to-human communication is key. Talk to to people. Look at what they’re doing. Look at who they like, and show up with the stuff they want first. That way, when you have other things that they don’t know about yet, you can come to them in the future with more things and have repeat customers.

Put together a very simple follow-up sequence, a cart abandon or some kind of communication that you can use to follow up with your customers whether they purchased from you, or maybe you’re sending them a repeat customer incentive like a coupon code, or even adding in a little pop-up with a discount for people who come to your website. That one little thing is really quick to implement, and you’re going to notice a big boost in sales.”

This interview has been edited for clarity.

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