ANNOUNCING: Join us October 29 & 30 for Smart Marketer LIVE

How To Use Advanced Facebook Advertising Techniques To Amplify Your Message

I did a Facebook Live a couple months ago about how to use Facebook advertising to amplify your brand and hold a conversation with your audience —

And the post has continued to get a lot of really positive feedback…

So I’m posting it on the blog because I think you’ll get tons of value out of it.

(And if you enjoy this video, then you can get My Free FB Video Ad Training for an even more in-depth look at how we’re using video in our marketing.)

Should I Watch This Video?

This Facebook Live is specifically for people who are interested in using digital advertising to amplify their brand or to hold a conversation with an audience.

I’m going to show you how we’re using Facebook advertising and different landing pages in a marketing funnel to do this very effectively…

Specifically, how we’re using video ads to broadcast a message to our audience, and how we’re using different retargeting techniques to follow up with them afterward.

NOTE: You don’t have to be selling anything to benefit from this content — this is about communicating a message to an audience, whether that message is associated with a product, a cause, etc. I’m currently using this exact strategy to help a charity I’m associated with, and it’s working extremely well.

How Does Messaging Fit Into My Ad Campaign?

This is how I look at advertising: I start with our goal. What is the response I’m trying to elicit from this campaign? An opt-in? A download? A donation?

Once I decide on that, I look at my audience: Who is this campaign directed towards? How am I choosing between different traffic sources, devices, demographics, and consumer data points to isolate the group of people to which this campaign is most relevant.

Then based on that, we decide what our message is going to be. And that is what this Facebook Live is about: the creative of your ad campaigns. In particular, how I’m using video in the creative at the top of my funnel, and the different types of creative I’m using in my retargeting.

Why Am I Using Video?

If you’ve interacted with my brand at all, you probably know that I love video.

It’s my preferred method of communication with my community, because I’ve always felt it is the most engaging.

It’s also a great medium for tracking engagement, because you can tell how much of your content the prospect has consumed.

(Tracking the amount of content consumed is important for dynamic re-marketing with different kinds of content, as you will see in this video.)

What Else To Expect in This Video:

While the video focuses on how to communicate throughout your funnel using Facebook advertising, I also share the tactics and strategies that are proving most effective in ecommerce right now.

I’m going to show you:

• Our Direct Response Advertising Roadmap
• How to Engage Audiences in a Conversation
• My Facebook Video Ads Sales Funnel

And the newest tactics and tools we’re using, like:

• Square Videos
• Facebook Collection Ads
• Our New Mobile Friendly Theme (That Increased Mobile Conversions by 100%)
• Shopify’s #1 Landing Page Builder for Ecommerce
• Shopify’s Only One Click, Post-Purchase Upsell Tool
• Pre-Purchase Order Bumps
• New Promo Landing Page Templates

And to wrap up this Facebook Live, I do a Q&A with the amazing group of marketers that joined me live for this broadcast.

If you’re interested in learning how to better communicate with an audience through digital advertising…

Then don’t miss this video.

And if you want more in-depth training in how I’m using this video ads strategy to grow my ecommerce business…

Check out this free 3-Part Video Series on Our New Facebook Video Ads Strategy.

Video Highlights:
1:50 Direct Response Advertising Roadmap
2:40 How to engage your audience in a conversation
4:25 Creative: the message we are putting in front of our audience\
4:45 Video: my favorite form of creative
5:55 Multi-touchpoint marketing
6:40 Dynamic Re-marketing
8:15 My Facebook video ads sales funnel
10:05 We started testing square videos
12:00 Results of square video ad campaigns
12:45 New: Facebook collection ads
15:50 Why am I not using video ads in my remarketing?
17:40 Zipify Pages: Shopify’s #1 Landing Page Builder for Ecommerce
21:05 Your site has to be mobile-friendly
23:20 Breakdown of mobile theme changes
25:55 Performance of new mobile theme test
27:30 How does our new theme do with cold traffic?
31:15 The #1 skillset you want in life
33:15 OneClickUpsell: Shopify’s only one click, post-purchase upsell tool
39:45 Pre-purchase order bumps
41:45 New Mother’s Day Sale and Spring Sale templates
44:50 3-part video training on Facebook video ads
45:10 Q&A

Click Here For Video Transcript

Ezra: Facebook, you never actually know if you’re live until you are actually live. So, I got my cellphone here. I have this handy little strap on it which helps me kinda hold it and see what’s going on. And what I’m looking to do is verify that we are live and, in fact, we are. So, welcome to Facebook live with Ezra Firestone, that is me. I’m here, I’m in my home studio. It’s a Sunday, what are we doing going live on a Sunday? People are out, people are at the park, people are partying and here we are doing work. Let’s go, champ. The reason that we’re live on a Sunday is that we were just doing some filming for one of our upcoming courses and we thought, “Here we are, we’re live, we got some stuff to talk about. Why don’t we just broadcast to the community for anyone who happens to be on on Sunday and anyone who’s not on on Sunday, on on Sunday, can watch it at another time. Now, we’ve got some stuff to cover today about Facebook video advertising, as well as landing pages and some of the stuff that we’ve been working on our business that I thought I’d share with you. I’m gonna go ahead and verify that we are on and that people are with us. Okay. I can see we’ve got about 20 folks with us live right now and the number is growing. If you’ve got questions, if you’ve got comments, if you’ve got anything that you wanna say, you can go ahead and just post it right there in the comments section and I will respond to you.

So, for now, let’s hop on over to the screen. So, let me just tell you what we’re gonna talk about today. So, it’s a Sunday, I just got back from the Hamptons. I’ve never been in the Hamptons before and it was pretty intense, you know, these giant houses and shrubs everywhere, and the Atlantic coast. I don’t quite understand it as much as I understand, let’s say, the Pacific coast, but it was beautiful, it was fun. And I was kinda taking the week off and now I’m back. And we’re gonna be talking about Facebook video ads, and we’re gonna be talking about landing pages, talking about some other stuff that’s going on. So, let’s hop right into it. Facebook live, here we go.

So, when we look at direct response advertising, we have this kind of road map. And by the way, real quick back to face the camera, if you’re a business owner who is interested in amplifying your brand, in building a connection, and building some communication and intimacy and relationship between your brand and your subscriber base, or the people that you’re interested in engaging in a conversation about whatever it is that you have to offer, that’s what this presentation is gonna be about. Sometimes we do content that’s more sort of lifestyle focused about, you know, how you can maybe have a more pleasurable life, or how you look at your life and stuff like that. This is really directly focused on Facebook video advertising and landing pages, and it’s gonna be around the conversation of how to grow your business if you have a business or anything that you offer. And by the way, you don’t have to be selling something to be interested in this content because, fundamentally, what we’re talking about is how to engage a group of people in a conversation about a particular topic over time. And you could be someone who works for a charity, you could be someone who’s interested in promoting ideas and you can still leverage these strategies to do that. Because all we’re doing is amplifying content that is about a specific topic that engages someone in a conversation which we then make a request of them if they’re interested, if they like our content, if they like the conversation we’re engaged in with them, as you’re about to see, you’ll able to ask them to do stuff like buy your product, or donate to your charity or engage in whatever it is you’ve got going on.

So, the direct response advertising road map, the way that we look at advertising or amplifying a message or a brand is, first, we have a goal, you know. And that could be to make a sale, that could be to generate an opt-in, that could be to engage someone in a conversation. Then we target people based on, you know, specific traffic sources, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram. Based on the devices that they’re using, desktop, iPad, iPhone. Based on their demographics, income, age, gender, marital status. Based on consumer data points that we have, such as interests, or purchase behavior or products that they’ve consumed. So, we figure out what we want to do, we then figure out who we’re gonna put this message in front of. So, first of all, what are we up to? Like, what’s the goal? Is the goal to sell something? Is the goal to engage someone in a conversation about a particular topic? Is the goal to get someone to subscribe to us in some form or fashion? Figure that out. Then we say, “Okay. Who is it that we’re trying to communicate with here?” Exactly who is it? Where are they? Are they on Facebook? What devices are they on? Are they on, you know, iPads, iPhones? What are they using? What have they done in the past? How old are they? Where do they live? So, we kinda figure out a group people that we might wanna target, then comes the portion of the conversation that this particular conversation today is about, which is the creative.

So, the message that we’re putting in front of the prospect we want to engage in this kind of conversation about, which could be an image, a headline, some content. In this case, it’s a video. So, this is what our sales funnel, in general, looks like. So, basically, we usually amplify a video. And the reason that we amplify a video, the reason that we start with video, if you’ve ever seen any of my contact for any of my brands, most likely you’ve seen a video first. Because a video gives me an opportunity to add some value to your life, to engage you in a conversation that I believe that you’re going to be interested in without asking you to do anything, without asking you to leave Facebook, without asking you to leave whatever social network you’re on, and it gives me the ability to then track your consumption of that piece of content and follow up with you based on how much you’ve consumed. So, I really like to do a video first in all my advertising.

Then, I go to a piece of content. My strategy is, look, we know that…and don’t worry, I’m gonna actually get into some technical and tactical specifics of what you can do right now, or at least rather some new things that we’re testing right now. There is a link below this video that I have to a three-part training on how to run video advertisements on Facebook. If you want to amplify a brand or a product, you can opt in, it’s a free training. It does lead to a course, but it’s a great training and you get value from it even if you don’t purchase the course. So, I like to amplify a video that then leads to a piece of content that isn’t directly a sales piece of content. And the reason is, is we know that 67% of consumers start shopping on one device and continue on another. We know that 30% of people see an ad on mobile and make a purchase on a desktop. So, people are moving to bigger devices to make purchases, people are engaging with brands multiple times, you know, multiple touch points. And so, I like to make my sales funnels have multiple touch points like you see here, video, article, category page, product offer page. That gives me the ability to follow up with people based on how interested they were. As you see here, video pre-sale engagement page. This is kinda what the sales funnel looks like if you draw it out, and then you can see that I have what’s known as dynamic re-marketing in place. And that dynamic re-marketing, which I’ll actually show you an image format, is designed to follow up with people based on how much they engaged of the particular sales process that I have in order. And again, this sales process could be used to sell real estate, sell physical products, get a charitable donation.

I’m working with a charity right now called Peace of Adventure, shout out to Kyle, where basically what they do is they pair veterans coming back from, you know, war time and coming back from serving with disabled people or folks who are experiencing disability, and they do, like, outings. I’m probably not explaining this very well, but basically, you know, a lot of veterans come back from serving their country and they have a hard time reintegrating into society, they have a hard time, you know, sort of finding purpose and finding work and stuff like that. And so, this is such a cool charity because it gives them the ability to have some purpose…in any case, whatever. The point is that the same strategies, I mean, I’m not trying to diminish the value of that, but it’s just not the conversation that we’re having right now. So, not whatever but just changing subject, we’re using the same strategies. The same strategy is amplify content, build relationship, start communication, follow up with people based on how much they consume and, in this case, ask them to donate to our cause. Right? We’re not selling the product, we’re just asking for a donation to a particular cause.

So, you can see here in the sales funnel that were using what’s called dynamic re-marketing, which is designed to engage people based on how much they made in the process. And by the way, I’m giving you all of this context, I’m prefacing all of this because what I want to do is actually show you a new strategy that we’re using. But I wanna give you a little bit of context. So, let’s first run through this sales funnel here real quick, which basically starts with a video advertisement where we’re targeting people based on how much of that video they consume, we’re retargeting them with images. If they get it to the article but don’t get any further, we’re retargeting. So, all the way along the way, we’re retargeting people based on their consumption. If they visit a product page, we’re leveraging what are called dynamic product ads. If they visit the shopping cart, we’re leveraging Facebook messenger ads. If they make it all the way and purchase, we do something called “bought x not y.” Let’s pop over the screen here for the full period. So, we’ll keep going here.

Basically, once someone buys from us here, we have an advertisement that’s like, “Hey, you bought this but you didn’t buy this. Check out this video about that.” If they watch 50% of that video, we have an image ad that says, “Hey, you watched 50% of a video about a product you hadn’t yet purchased. Here’s an image to remind you that you might want it.” Very profitable, obviously, then we’ve got our checkout sequence and then we’ve got content that’s being amplified to our buyers. So, why am I explaining all this to you? Because the portion that I wanna talk about today, and by the way, I can see Mattson Aggleby is with us. What’s up, Mattson? I can see Sven is with us here. Facebook…Mattson has just asked a question that I’m gonna… I just called Mattson Facebook. He’s just asked the question that I’m gonna answer shortly. By the way, there’s over 100 people here with us. Give me a little love on there. If you have questions, if you have comments, anything you wanna chat about, let me know in the comment section.

But what I wanna talk about today is very specifically this portion here, the video advertisement, the top line, the start of this here, this part right here. I don’t know if you can see my hand going, but what we used to do is we used to use normal videos. And what we’ve recently started doing was using square videos as you can see here. So, these videos are again designed to mimic user engagement. That’s a Gary V video there on the right, this is our video here on the left. The reason is because square videos get 28% more shares than landscape videos. Square videos get, you know, more video views. They take up 78% more screen space and they have a 67% higher completion rate. These these videos have a 67% higher completion rate than traditional. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m actually gonna show you on my computer here real…or sorry, I’m gonna show you on my iPhone real quick. I’m gonna have Ant zoom in. Let’s pop this open.

So, this is my mobile phone here. I don’t know if you can see that, let’s see if you can get to it. That is a square video, that’s a video that is in a square format that takes up…look at how much space it takes up all my mobile phone. I’m gonna click play. Check that out. It takes up, like, the whole phone. You can see that above it I have some text, and below it I’ve got some, what’s called, captions running there, but the video itself… So basically, yeah, you can see that there. It’s taking up the whole screen. And what I did was I actually took my landscape video, my 16 by 9 landscape video and I just edited it to be in more of a square format. Because what’s happening is that people are initially engaging with your brand on mobile, right? Their engagement with your content starts on mobile device. And if they like you, then they continue to consume content and they end up purchasing, 67% percent of the time they switch devices to purchase, but the purchase decision ends up being made on a bigger device, a tablet or desktop. So, if we know that people are gonna consume our content first on mobile, then what we wanna do is initially have that piece of content be the most relevant for mobile, which would be a square video because it takes up more space on mobile.

And I’ll actually show you some of the results here. It’s working really, really well. Let’s go ahead and pop into my ads manager here. So, this is the video itself here. I’m just gonna click the preview button and what we can see is that it’s a square, right? The video’s a square, and then when you click play it pops into this big, giant rectangle so that you can consume more of it, right, while you’re on your mobile device. And then, I can follow up with you based on how much you consumed, but this piece of content is actually sort of optimized for mobile. And one new thing that we’re doing that I actually wanted to show was that Facebook has introduced this thing called Collections. I want you to stay on the screen here for a second. Facebook’s introduced this thing called Collection Ads, which gives you the ability to have a collection of your products underneath the traditional video. And here’s what that looks like. So, basically, we have our traditional… I’m just gonna pop this out. I’m gonna click preview here. We have our traditional video advertisement, and underneath it is a collection of the products that you’re interested in. So, still, if you make it to the end of this video and you click this, you’re gonna end up on our pre-sale engagement article, but if you are interested in any of the products that are mentioned in the video, then you can click those below. So, it’s kind of a combination of a dynamic product advertisement. I’m actually gonna see if I can pull it up here on my phone. Yeah. It’s a combination of a dynamic product advertisement and a traditional video ad.

So, if we look at the phone here…I don’t know if you can zoom in there, Ant. We’ll pull it a little bit. Let’s see. It’s kinda hard to see, but you can see the video is there and then it’s sort of hard because the the images are white. But underneath the video is a carousel of images that are links to our different product offering. So, we’re kind of leveraging two ad formats here, video ad format and dynamic product ads. And if you look inside, and this is just for you real data nerds here and then we’ll get into some stuff that’s more relevant to everyone. But if you look inside your Facebook ad creator here, I’ll just click the edit button, what you can see is that we’re using this new feature called a collection advertisement and we’re creating an ad. So, it’s called the collection and, basically, what we’re doing then is we’re uploading our video, we have our captions, we have our normal stuff, but then we are leveraging a product set here. So, this is the product set from our product catalog in the actual video advertisement. And if we look at the results, we’ve only been running this for a couple days, but if we look at the results here you can see that our cost per purchase is as low as $30 on certain ads. And for us, that’s actually quite good because on our top line awareness ads where we’re getting new people to know about our brand, in general we spend between $40 and $80 to generate a sale, to get a new person interested and actually buy from us. And we’ve been able to cut that in half on certain ads, that’s what this new collection format.

And my view, my reasoning, I think, for that is because we give people sort of a “choose your own adventure.” Like, it’s like, “Here’s the video. If you’re interested in consuming content, click on the video or click above the video. If you wanna check out a product, click below the video.” So, it gives people, based on their interest level, the ability to engage with different parts of our brand. And I’m gonna answer a couple of questions and then we’ll get into long-form product offer pages, pre-purchase order bumps and some of the things that we’re doing in that regard. Real quick, I’m gonna pop open the question. And you know, Mattson asked a question here. Let’s just pop this open so I can actually see the questions. Mattson’s question…whoa, that’s like really up on my face. What’s up, dude? That’s like, really intense. We have to maybe fix that camera. So, Mattson said… Hey, Todd Staples is in the house. Todd Staples who I’m supposed to be on his podcast. I’ve rescheduled it, like, six times. My apologies. Let’s see if I can find this question here. He said, “Well, why are you not using video advertisements in your re-marketing?”

So, you’ll notice that we had a video ad and then, based on how much you consumed of that video or based on where you ended up in our sales funnel, we had image ads, we didn’t have videos. And you know, for us, it’s just because we don’t have the capacity to create. We want unique content at each stage of the re-marketing process based on what you did or didn’t consume, and it’s a lot easier to create imagery when you have internal graphic designer. We’re actually training up the video editor now. We’ve been using outsourced video editing for a while. And so, it’s just easier to use images. I imagine that using videos in the re-marketing process would probably be even more effective than what we’re doing, but it’s worked and it’s working really well. So, we thought let’s not fix something that’s not broken. So, we then have a… Todd Staples says, “What’s up?” Pete says, “I guess that’s behind the Snap and Facebook, Instagram stories. I’ve noticed an increase of full screen video.” Yeah. I mean, it’s because, you know, they’re trying to make you consume more. We’ve got… Tony says, “You’ll see me next week.” Absolutely. Scott says he just signed up for Zipify, “My wife and I are excited. What do you use for dynamic product ads? Feedly stopped working.” We’re using Trackify now, we’re using Trackify. That’s what we use generally. Henderson’s in the house.

So, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take a quick break, and then we’re gonna come back and we’re gonna talk about product offer pages. Above this video, you can click a link to opt in to my three-part Facebook video advertising training. It’s a great training, so feel free to check that out. And this whole presentation is brought to you by Zipify Apps. I just smacked the table super hard. Zipify Apps which is my software service company, my application company. For Shopify, I’m gonna run you a quick video about Zipify Pages which is our flagship offering in that brand, it’s a landing page builder for Shopify. And then, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna show you some cool stuff that’s going on with our…we’ve changed completely the mobile header for BOOM, for our website, and I’m gonna show you why we did it, what we did, the results of it. It’s pretty incredible, the data and what we figured out here and how much it’s improved our brand. So, two-minute presentation on why you might be interested in checking out Zipify Pages if you have a Shopify business. And if you don’t, hang tight for two minutes. We’re gonna come back. I’m gonna show you something that’s gonna be helpful for you. See you soon.

Announcer: Looking for a quick and easy way to create high converting landing pages and sales funnels for your Shopify store? Well first, what is a landing page? Well, it’s any specific page that you send traffic to to prompt a specific result. Let’s say, a newsletter sign up or a holiday sales page, or any goal that you might have. And if you create a series of pages that share a common goal, let’s say, a landing page, a sales page and a post-checkout thank you page, then you have a sales funnel. Landing pages are perfect for growing your business by boosting leads and sales. But right now, there’s a big problem. To create a landing page for your store, you can either hire a designer and a developer to create one for you, and that takes time and money, or you can use a landing page builder which is faster and less expensive. But the problem is none of the landing page builders on the market integrate your Shopify store. So, you have to deal with confusing plugins and subdomains and skewed analytics, which is extra cost and extra hassle.

Well now, there’s a solution. Introducing, Zipify Pages. Zipify Pages is an e-commerce landing page and sales bundle builder that seamlessly integrates with your Shopify store. Start by choosing a template from our ever-growing template library. These page templates come directly from our eight-figure e-commerce stores that are built on Shopify. We test what works and we put our best templates into Zipify Pages. After selecting a template, it’s easy to customize it to fit your store by using our drag and drop editor. You can choose from our collection of conversion elements, or blocks as we like to call them, like featured products, countdown timers, social group sections and more. Once you have the page just the way you like it, click publish. It’s as easy as that. You now have an amazing new page published right to your Shopify store. Your page will look great on any device. It’s 100% mobile responsive and all of the data is under one domain. So, tracking leads and sales in Facebook is easy, simple and accurate. High-quality landing pages and sales funnels as soon as you need them. Zipify Pages, check it out today.

Ezra: And we’re back. At least, I think we’re back. So that’s Zipify Pages. You can go to, Z-I-P-I-F-Y. If you have a Shopify store, it will help you grow your business. And this next thing I’m gonna show you actually is gonna be built into every single mobile Zipify page, you’ll be able to edit it and it’s super cool. And if you don’t use Zipify or Shopify but you do have a website, then you’re gonna wanna look at this. Send this video that I’m about to…send what I’m about to record. So, this will be posted on my Facebook timeline. Whoever is doing your website, send this to them because it will help them.

So, basically, most of your website traffic is coming from mobile phones, as we just discussed. And hey, Rico Glover [SP]. My man, Rico Glover in the house. Most of your traffic is coming from mobile, as you’re about to see, and so you want the mobile environment to be friendly, you want people to be able to consume. Essentially, your whole business is just web pages, right? People are engaging with your brand on a web page that you created, so you want the web page to be as friendly as possible, as usable as possible. And we discovered that our website was not particularly user-friendly. Even though we’re doing really well and making lots of money, there’s always room to improve and you gotta understand that there’s just always more. There’s always more to go, there’s always room to improve, you can always get better, you’re always a student, you always can learn more. Once you think you’ve made it, you’re in trouble, you know?

So, let’s talk about what happened here. So, this is the BOOM mobile theme improvement, updating our theme for more mobile-friendly user experience. So, basically, what we discovered was that, you know, $9 million of our $20 million in revenue in the last year came from desktop, which means the other, you know, $10 million came from mobile. And if you look at the traffic, look at the total traffic here. It may be hard to see if you’re on a mobile phone, but basically I’ll explain it to you. So, 52% of our total traffic in the last year, 7 million visits came on mobile phones, 24% came on tablets. So, that’s a total of 76% of our total traffic happening on mobile devices, 76% of our total traffic. Now, it’s only 50% of our revenue, but it’s 76% of our total traffic to our store is being consumed on mobile. If you look at the conversion rate, right, the e-commerce conversion rate, you can see on the desktop we’re converting at 4%, but on mobile we’re only converting at 1% and we only have an 87% per session value. Our per session value on desktop is $3, $1.50 on iPad. So, basically, when we looked at this data we thought to ourselves, “Man, we have a real opportunity here.” Literally, 75% of all the people who are engaging with our offerings and our website is happening on mobile. Let’s investigate how we can do better on mobile, and then let’s roll that across all our stores, let’s split test it, let’s roll it out to Zipify Pages.

So, here’s what we came up with. So, basically, the first thing that you notice is that our top navigation is not particularly functional, we have no labeled buttons, we have no search option and there’s no important pages bookmarked, and there’s no option to do a sale notice, though. So basically, it’s completely useless, the mobile header. So, what we thought we would do is fix all of that, right? And you can see that we now have a functional header with labeled buttons, with a search option, with important pages bookmarked, and the ability to run a sale notification right there if we’re running a sale right in the mobile header. So, this is a huge difference here. Also, once people started scrolling down a page on mobile, we wanted to give them a quick way to get back to the top. So, what we did was, as soon as you begin to scroll down, there’s a little button that pops up that allows you to click and it’ll take you right back to the top of the page. You might wanna look at the desktop to see it. We also thought that, as you begin scrolling up, we didn’t want you to have to get all the way to the top to see the header. So, what happens is we made a bar appear at the top for a quick way to get the menu, the search and the cart, as you can see here. As soon as you start scrolling up, that pops up for you. Then look at our mobile menu previously, I mean, that is like the ugliest mobile menu you’ve ever seen in your life. There’s a bunch of wasted space, you can’t see what’s what. So, we thought to ourselves, “We really ought to make it a little more consumable, a little easier to use.” We wanted to display the entire menu and give the ability to hide the menu. We wanted to make it big and easy to read font. We wanted a clear white background, which is what we ended up doing on our mobile header. And real quick, I actually wanna show you this before I show you the data. I’m actually gonna pop over to BOOM by sending Joseph here, and I’m gonna show you what this looks like.

So, here’s our website and I’m actually gonna, you know…it may be hard to see but bear with me here. You can watch it on a desktop. Notice, now we’ve switched into the mobile view. So, at tablet, now you’re at tablet. And I’ll just leave it here so you can see…oops. We’ll switch right into the mobile view, and I’m gonna go ahead and click on like, the store page. So basically, what you’ll notice is that we’ve got this nice menu that pops out that’s real easy to see. We have our search which pops open and gives you a mobile search with an x option. We’ve got the ability to login. We’ve got our header. We’ve got a phone number right there because we get a lot of phone calls. And then we’ve got the menu that people mostly want, which is our store, our trio, our blog and then a little bit about our brand. Now, notice what happens when you start to scroll. It all goes away, right? It all goes away. Then you start to scroll back up. Look at that, that dynamically pops. It doesn’t matter where you are on the page, as soon as you start to scroll up, we think, “Okay. That’s intent to go somewhere else,” so we give you the ability to get to the menu, we give you the ability to search. And the question is, how did this perform? Well, let’s take a look.

So, we implemented this on April 9th. Okay. So, it’s only been running… We’ll just, you know, go… oops. We’ll just go from April 9th all the way to today. We’ll compare it to the previous period, we will apply that. And what we can see…and I’m gonna zoom in on this for you, I’m gonna zoom in a little bit here. Once this loads, is that our e-commerce conversion rate. And by the way, I should really do this because today is not a full day, so let’s pop back for a second. I’m gonna explain this data in just a moment. That’s actually April 8th. So, April 9th to the 22nd, and we’re gonna compare that to the previous period, we’re gonna click apply. Now, check this data out. Okay. This is super important, and then I’m gonna show you another set of data that’s even more relevant. So, here we go. Look at the conversion rate, we’re up by 36%. From 0.78% on our mobile and tablet traffic in that time period to 1%. Our total number of transactions is up and our order value’s up, but what’s interesting is that we got significantly less traffic in this time period. So, the idea that total transactions and revenue would be up is fascinating considering we’ve had significantly less traffic and we’ve converted way better, so we were running less ads. But I don’t think this tells the full story. This is all the mobile and tablet traffic, but what I’m most interested in is not… because this, you know, that’s all of our mobile and tablet traffic which is winning, but we’re up 36%. The conversion rate on mobile and tablet is up by 36%. We’ve had less traffic, we still have ended up with more revenue but we’ve had less traffic because we’ve been running less ads. But what I think would be even more interesting would be to look at just cold traffic. So, all mobile and tablet traffic takes into account people who’ve been to our site before, people who’ve purchased from us before, past customers. So, what if we just looked at new people? How does this new mobile environment cater to new people who’ve never seen our brand before, never been on our site before? How do they respond?

So, what I did, if we gonna zoom in I’m gonna show you what I did here, is that I created a segment inside of our Google Analytics. And the segment, I’m gonna uncheck mobile and tablet traffic, and I’m gonna go to Facebook traffic to pre-sell article. I’m gonna check that. And I just wanna show you this segment real quick, so I’m actually gonna edit it so you can see what a segment means. I’m gonna zoom out a little bit. So, basically, this is a segment where the traffic source is mobile Facebook and the condition is that they landed on this particular page. So, basically, what I did was I created a group of people. I wanna see the difference between the people who came from mobile Facebook who landed on my pre-sale engagement article. So, my sales funnel for this brand is Facebook ad, mobile Facebook ad to article. So, let’s just look at those people which is what we’ve done here. So now, when I come in here and I check only people who came to this particular pre-sale article from mobile Facebook, I apply that. It’s gonna be a much smaller group of people, but let’s look at the difference in how it performed. Look at that, 100% increase in conversion rate. From 0.25% to 0.5%. And the average order value is up by 6% from 80 to 85, and the revenue is up considerably, even though we’ve had much less traffic. So, I literally, with this one change to make the header more usable, have been able to double the conversion rate for my mobile visitors who come from cold traffic, which is pretty incredible really. And so, that is just a little bit of insight into some of the way that we look at…because I’m a big fan of looking at data. Let’s take a look at what’s going on, how are people consuming the website, where are they visiting? And then let’s try to improve the user experience, which we’ve done here, which has now doubled the conversion rate on the website.

This particular header will be built into our proven profitable theme. If you have a Shopify store, you can use our theme which will have this header and footer built into it for mobile shortly in the next build. It will also be the default header on every Zipify page, If you wanna use Zipify, so you’d be able to get that, you’ll be able to kinda modify that functionality, modify those images, modify the menu and stuff. But you’ll be able to get that mobile header for your brand as well, if you’re on Zipify Pages. But I wanted to show that off because it’s pretty cool data with regard to the mobile user environment. And I think it’s shows off this idea that you can always go deeper, you can always improve your user experience, and that you really wanna be looking at the landing pages that people are consuming because that’s how you communicate the value that your brand has to offer. What I’ll do now is I’ll answer a couple questions related to that, and then I’ll show you some stuff about pre-purchased order bumps.

So, let’s see. Will Rich [SP] says, “Is desktop the highest?” Desktop’s always gonna be the highest converting, you know, thing. Scott says he loves our Facebook video ads training which, by the way, you can get above this video, you can opt in for Facebook advertising training. We have over 150 people with us live, which is kind of amazing. Thanks for joining me, I appreciate it. So, two things that I wanna point out before I hop into pre-purchased order bumps. Repetition creates mastery. The skill set that you wanna develop in life is simply the skill set of mastery, the willingness to put your attention consistently in one area over time. Pick up your ukulele 30 minutes a day, you’re gonna get better at it. Put attention on your business 30 minutes a day, it’s going to grow. Where you put your attention grows. What you do consistently grows. If you ignore your relationships they’re gonna dwindle, right? So, you have to put attention on the things that you want to get better out of things that you want to grow consistently over time to experience that.

And then, the other thing is that it’s not about how much you work, it’s about what you produce. The number one thing that I see when I look at…you know, I get the opportunity through Smart Marketer to engage with thousands of entrepreneurs on a yearly basis, and people are burned out, man. Burnout is the number one cause, number one problem I see with entrepreneurs and people who run their own businesses, because it’s not easy to create a container around your work life when you get to choose when you work and where you work. And it’s you know, it’s like you have this freedom of you’re not going to a 9:00 to 5:00 everyday, or many of you do, and so, what happens is your work life permeates your whole life and you end up working 14, 16 hour days, forgetting about your body, forgetting about your health, forgetting to go outside, forgetting to put attention in your relationships, and you end up burning out. And it’s so common. And so, create container, create boundary around, you know, how much you’re working because you’ll actually end up producing more if you work less. It’s kinda weird that it works that way. You know, if you give yourself six, eights hours a day max to work, you’ll end up getting more done in that time that if you did 14 to 16 hours a day. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t days where you need to do an extra push and you need to crank to get something done, totally fine. You just don’t wanna make that the norm.

So, now, what we’re going to look at is the concept of pre-purchased order bumps. And actually, before we do, I’d like to…you know, this show is sponsored by my app company called Zipify Apps, And we’ve got a suite of applications, we’re about to release a new one actually that’s really cool, that help you grow your business if you’re on Shopify. I would love to play you a quick little video about an app that we have called One Click Upsell that gives you the ability to do post-purchase, one-click upsells on your stores. We process 6,000 orders a day right now with this application. The average store gets an increase of 15% in their, you know, overall…well, they get 15% average take rate. So, 15 out of every 100 people say yes to the upsell that they make. Instead of blathering on about it, I’m gonna play a little bit of video about what this application does for your store. You can get it at We’ll come back and I’ll talk to you about pre-purchase order bumps which is the opposite of post-purchase, one-click upsells. So, go ahead and watch this video about One Click Upsell, and I’ll be back in two minutes with some content about order bumps on your offer pages.

Announcer: What if I told you that you can increase your average order value overnight and your overall revenue just by adding one-click, post-purchase upsells? You might say, “Great. What’s an upsell?” An upsell is when you offer your customer a product that is complementary to what they’ve already shown interest in. It’s when you order a hamburger and someone asks, “Would you like fries with that?” Or you go to the Apple store, you buy a computer and they offer you AppleCare. Offering upsells is the easiest thing you can do right now to start growing your business, because by increasing your average order value or the average amount of money you make per order, you’re getting more value out of the customers that you already have. Unfortunately, upselling does pose a big problem. Making more offers to your customers adds friction and slows down the buying process. And in a world of short attention spans and abandoned carts, this is a huge concern. The last thing that you wanna do is scare off customers and end up losing sales. What you need is a way to offer upsells, but without any of the risks.

That’s why we created One Click Upsell. With One Click Upsell you can offer one-click upsells post-purchase. Due to new updates at the Shopify platform, we can now give you the ability to make targeted upsell offers to your customers after they’ve purchased and after you’ve secured the sale. So, once the order is complete, instead of going to a thank you page, your customers are directed to a post-purchase, one-click upsell offer page where you can offer complementary products and special deals without adding any friction to the buying process and without the risk of losing your initial sale. None of the risk and all of the reward. It’s called having your cake and eating it too. And with our page editor, it’s easy to make professional upsell offer pages and customize them to match your store. We have a tagging system that lets you customize which upsells you offer depending on what your customer has purchased in the initial order. And an in-app analytics suite tells you which upsells are most effective so that you can optimize for higher conversions. Your revenue can skyrocket overnight, and there’s a bonus. One Click Upsell comes with a bonus post-purchase e-mail sequence. This is a series of e-mails that will allow you to keep your customers engaged after they make a purchase, which will decrease refunds while increasing reviews, customer loyalty and, most importantly, repeat purchases. It’s another great way to make more revenue from the customers that you’ve already have.

So, let’s review, with One Click Upsell, you’re now offering one-click, post-purchase upsells that make you more money from every order. And you’re sending automated post-purchase e-mails that generate more sales from every customer. Sounds like things are on the up and up. So, don’t wait, try One Click Upsell. Shopify’s only one-click, post-purchase upsell tool.

Ezra: Hey, I think we’re back. I don’t know what I was doing. I think I was itching my beard. Anyways,, We are committed to being the best application company for Shopify. We’re committed to applications that increase your average order value and help you build better landing pages. And one of the ways that we do that is we provide excellent support. So, you can literally get us on live chat, no matter what level of plan that you’re on. A lot of application companies only offer live chat support to their higher-end customers. We believe in being there for all of our customers at all times. And our apps are complex, they’re advanced, they’re about growing your business. They’re not these plug and play, one-click turn it on. No, it’s not how we roll. We roll with advanced stuff, you know, that’s how we get down. So, you know, if you’re interested in leveraging advanced tactics and strategies, it doesn’t mean you can’t do it, it doesn’t mean you’re not smart enough to implement it, it just means that it takes a little time to actually implement, setup because it’s an advanced strategy. Building a super high-quality, drag and drop, long-form, left-right landing page is an advanced strategy. Implementing post-purchase, one-click upsells in your business is an advanced strategy. So, it’s gonna take a little bit from you but it’s gonna be so worth it. Please buy my apps,

All right. Let’s talk about… and it’ll be beneficial to you, you’ll enjoy them. I’ve got 15 full-time developers right now working on Zipify Apps. I’ve got six full-time support people just there to support you and be there for you when you have questions. I’ve got, you know, as you can see, conversion rate optimization specialists, designers, advertisers, folks who are working on innovating, figuring out what works. I’m doing the same thing, and then implementing these apps for you. So, I wanna do the leg work for you. Nathan Woods says, “Your crew is great. Steve, Jeff and Britney are all awesome.” Anthony who’s here today, who’s running the live show, did not get a shout out, Nathan Woods, and his feelings are hurt. Anthony, come over here for a second. What you’re about to see right now, here it is, wait for it. Those are hurt feelings, hurt feelings. Okay. Right there. Broken heart, broken heart. You just broke his heart, all right? Anthony, someone shout out Anthony for me please, Ant Charles. Now, Anthony, you know, to be fair has been less visible on support because he’s doing things like running the live shows and shooting video, editing video.

Let’s talk about pre-purchase order bumps. So, this is kind of the opposite of post-purchase, one-click upsells. Pre-purchase order bumps, yuo should be using them. Basically, what these are is, essentially, when someone comes to a product offer page…this is our BOOM Valentine’s day sales page. You can see that we were doing a single-item offer page. This template will be on Zipify Pages very shortly. What we do is, as soon they…and this is the be-friendly Valentine’s day page. So, someone adds the product to the cart and, instead of taking them to the shopping cart, we take them to what’s called a pre-purchase order bump page, which is designed to increase our average order value by offering an additional relevant item pre-purchase. As you can see here, this was another example of using pricing tiers which we do on our long-form sales pages, which incentivize people to purchase more product by making bundles discounted. So, we’re using pricing tiers on our product offer pages now. As you can see, we do it across all of our brands. Here’s an example of my first ever e-commerce store, I was selling wigs. That’s me in a mullet wig. This is my wife in a pink troll wig. That’s my brother looking super creepy in a clown wig, and there’s me in an Elvis wig there. Let me know if you can identify where the pre-purchase order bump is on this page. Go ahead, and we’ll just leave it on the screen there and you can put in the comments. Can you see the pre-purchase order bump on this page? Someone give me a little bit…someone guess. Pre-purchase order bump, where is it on this page? Where is the pre-purchase order bump? Let’s see. Well, so far, I think Facebook’s a little bit delayed but, basically, it’s right there. So, it’s on the product offer page. We say, “Hey, would you like to add a wig cap for a better fit?” And then we show an image of the wig cap and I’m just gonna show this to you on the screen again. There’s a little drop down menu, you can add it to your order for $4. And we were buying these things for like, a dollar, you know, 50 cents. And we were getting about 60% of people to say yes to this offer. So, that’s a pre-purchase order bump, check this out.

What’s happening is people are saying yes. We were able to get 45% of people to say yes to this pre-purchase order bump here are. And I’ll just actually pop open, this is our our Mother’s Day sale here that’s about to happen. You can see Mother’s Day sale, we’re actually doing a…you know. And by the way, all these templates are gonna be available inside the Zipify Pages, single-item offer, little headline, sub-headline. Then we’ve got the ability for you to, you know, engage with a couple of our bundle offerings. And then, the next page, we have a pre-purchase order bump. Right? Hey, you know, carousel image, video. Get a bundle here. Same thing happening with our be-friendly…this is our be friendly summer sale. You know, “Hey,” and this page is a little bit not quite as nicely designed. In this case, the sale itself has a pricing tier. So, there’s an order bump on the actual initial sale, where we’re trying to incentivize people to buy more than one product. So, order bump on initial product offer page, a lot of people will take three and six. And then, once you add that to your cart, we then have a order bump, or pre-purchase order bump, page happening right after that. And you can also say, you know, “No, thanks,” if you want. Or you could click this link and go directly to the shopping cart right there because that’s clickable as well. And what you’ll notice is that many people believed that they would be able to click the progress bar. If you look at the progress bar on the right-hand corner of the page, you can see all those clicks on the shopping cart there, icon. We didn’t have that clickable, so we use these heat maps as a way to figure out how people are engaging with pages, and then we kind of use that in our design process going forward.

So, the point here is that the goal is to increase your average order value, because if you increase your average order value, then you have more revenue that you can leverage to buy advertising that you can leverage have better support, that you can leverage invest in better products. And one of the best ways to do that is to leverage pre-purchase order bumps on the product offer page using, you know, a post-call to action where they, like, add a product to the cart then drops on a pre-purchase order bump page. These pages will be in Zipify Pages. What I’ll do now…I see Rob Burns, hot sauce, Rob hot sauce Burns just joined us. So, I’ll answer some questions now, but I want you to leverage pre-purchase order bumps on your product offer pages to increase your average order value. Really cool strategy. There’s a lot of different ways to do it. There’s apps that do it. We’re building an app that’ll do it.

Okay. What’s a conversion rate to be expected of people coming to your store? It depends on where they came from, it depends on the device. As you saw, our desktop conversion rate was 4%, our mobile conversion rate was under 1%. So, there’s a lot of factors there. Anthony is amazing, Nathan says, “Anthony and Charles are killing it today.” His name is actually Ant Charles, there’s not two people. He is both Anthony and Charles, so both of them killing it. Nathan says, “Nothing but love.” Rob Burns joined. So guys, if you have any questions we’re about to end this live cast. We’ve been going now for 45 minutes. I like to usually stay under an hour, but you do have my attention on a Sunday afternoon. I will answer any questions that you have about your business if you wanna ask them.

If you look above this video, there is call to action where you can opt in for my three-part Facebook video ads training. I highly recommend that you go through if you’re interested in learning how to amplify your brand, leveraging Facebook. It’s a wonderful training. I do have an e-mail marketing training coming out. I’ll be doing a webinar about that next week, you’ll be hearing about it. David says, “Can you customize the checkout page with Zipify?” Not quite yet, we are working on that.

Nathan Woods says, “Have you had success with free plus shipping campaigns?” I don’t believe in free plus shipping as a customer acquisition method. A lot of people build their businesses around free plus shipping, meaning, “Hey, get this thing for free. All you got to do is pay shipping.” And I think that is the wrong frame to build a business around. I think that if you’re gonna build a business, you might as well build it around engaging a prospect in a real conversation, adding value to their life and getting them to actually make a purchase because they wanted to. Not telling them, “Get this thing for free.” Because now, you end up with once a freebie-seekers who don’t wanna buy anything from you, who only came in because they thought they were getting something for free and then you tried to swindle them into doing a post-purchase. I shouldn’t say swindle, but you tried to then add stuff on. Now, that is not to say that it is not a super effective business model. Tons of people use free plus shipping, tons of people use it and then they have continuity on the back-end, they do all the stuff. I think the way to use free plus shipping, and the way that we are actually implementing free plus shipping, is on the post-purchase pillar. So, after someone has bought and then they’ve abandoned and they’re not coming back, you’ve done everything you can, you put them on a post purchase automation sequence, you’ve done dynamic cross-selling, you’ve broadcasted sale e-mails, you’ve run win-back campaigns. You’ve done all this stuff to try to turn a buyer into a second purchaser. They bought once, you’re trying to get them to buy again to increase your lifetime customer value, then you use a free plus shipping shipping campaign.

And we talk about this in our e-mail marketing course, which is coming out. Module 2 for the buyers who bought it already drops this week, in a day or two. But if you’re interested in that you can let us know and we’ll let you know about it. And I also think that free plus shipping can be used to get people at the very bottom of your sales funnel who’ve abandoned. So, people who maybe opted in and were super interested and, you know, consumed some e-mails, but then just, like, you know, a couple of months went by when you weren’t able to convert them into a buyer, then you can try it as a last-ditch effort to acquire a customer. But I think building a whole business around a free plus shipping model gets the wrong type of customer and it’s a little…I’m not a fan of it. So, you know, I’m not meant to bash or disparage or talk down on anyone who builds their business that way because, clearly, it’s a winning model, a lot of people use it. I just prefer to build businesses around straight sales. I call them straight sales. So, you know, I do have a free plus shipping template inside Zipify Pages. I am building more free plus shipping templates, a very popular model. We do use it at the back-end of our brand in the post-purchase pillar, and I think that, totally, you can build a business around. It’s just not our specialty.

How does Zipify Pages integrate with One Click Upsell? I already have One Click Upsell installed, so how Zipify Pages integrate with One Click Upsell? There’s no section that shows an integration of Zipify Pages in One Clikck Upsell. I’m not sure how you would want them to integrate. Zipify Pages build you landing pages. One Click Upsell takes over your store’s checkout. So, the one thing we are working on that isn’t available yet but will be in a couple weeks, is the ability to link directly from a Zipify page straight to One Click Upsell checkout. Right from a long-form offer page on Zipify Pages, directly into that checkout from that One Click Upsell. So, skipping the Shopify cart altogether. Now, we still link to a Shopify cart that then initiates One Click Upsell, it works extremely well. We’re gonna split test and see, does it work better to link directly to the checkout? We’ll let you know. It may not. We’ll see, you know. Longer-from sales funnels often work well. So, we’ll see how that goes.

I have Zipify, do you guys split test Zipify Pages? If so, what do you use to split test the traffic? We are working on some content around split testing. So, we’ll come back to you with that. We’re also working on a native split testing feature inside Zipify Pages. Do you have a inbuilt tool that tracks Zipify Pages conversions? Not at this time. Google Analytics…look, Zipify Pages connects directly into your Shopify, Google Analytics and Facebook. So, anything that happens in Zipify Pages is tracked in Google Analytics. It’s right to your native Shopify connection. We are working on a statistics dashboard and split testing inside Zipify Pages, but it’s literally just another Shopify page. So, if you use Google Analytics you can see all your data in there, which you should if you don’t. If you use VWO, Optimizely, Google Analytics experiments, any split testing tool, it works natively right with it because it’s literally just a page published under store.

How can we contact you for consulting? I don’t offer one-to-one consulting. The best way I can use my time is to do stuff and then share it with as many people as possible. That’s how I can be the most effective and that’s also how I can grow my business the biggest. You know, working one-to-one, I do sometimes…like, I work with some of these nine-figure e-commerce brands, like these big billion-dollar brands that bring me literally to, you know, do growth plans and stuff. But it’s still not worth my time. Like, I’d rather serve thousands of people rather than one person. So, anything that I know, I put into my courses. Buy my courses, it’s all in there. Get someone on your team to implement it. You don’t actually need me to look at your stuff and tell you the same stuff that I’m gonna tell you if you went through my course. It’s literally all… I do this with people, I sit down and look at their stuff and I’m like, “Dude, everything I just told you was in my course. Why didn’t you just go through that instead of paying me?” You know, you should pay me to go through the courses, but instead of buying a $15,000 or $25,000 one-to-one day of my time, purchase the course. It’s all in there.

Rob Burns says he agrees about free plus shipping. So, Rob says, have we tried YouTube? We are working on YouTube ads right now. We don’t have a case study on it just yet. “Why don’t you let us make upsells using Zipify Page templates?” We’re working on that too. So, basically, what you’ll be able to do is you’ll be able to customize your post-purchase, one-click upsell offer page inside Zipify Pages. So, now I understand what you’re asking about with regard to connection between the two. Yes, all that stuff is in our development road map. I don’t think you guys have appreciation for what it takes to create these things. I really don’t think you understand, and that’s sort of, maybe, an arrogant thing to say. But man, the amount of development, the amount of coding, the amount of Q&Aing;, and bug testing and integrations that it takes, the amount of money that it takes, the amount of time that it takes to develop applications that work this well. Anyone who runs software business, my hat is taken off to you. It is a lot. And we love it, we’re in it, you know what I mean? We’re super in it. But when you’re like, “Why isn’t this feature done two weeks ago?” It’s like, “Dude, I am really trying to do this stuff as quickly as I can, but I will not compromise quality for speed.” I believe in integrity, I believe in putting out products that are 100% fully-tested that actually work. So, you know, I’m working on all this stuff, and those features I was talking about probably one to three months away. But they’re gonna be there, we’re gonna get them for you.

So, would it work like this, Zipify to Shopify checkout to OCU, upsell and downsell? So, it’ll actually work, Zipify Pages right to checkout, to upsell and downsell. Yes, that’s how it would work. Yeah. Abdullah’s like, “I appreciate it. We’re waiting for the updates, you know, strong competitors popped out.” There’s always gonna be competition in a marketplace. There’s always gonna be people who have similar apps. You know, you have to decide who you want to work with. Do you believe in what we’re doing? Do you believe in our applications? Do you believe in the features that we’re building? Do you believe in the templates that we’re…? Like, my viewpoint is that there’s always gonna be someone else who’s doing something really similar. So, what you’ve got to do is innovate, you’ve got to add value to the market place, you’ve got to build relationship with your customers through adding, you know, value to their life beyond just a product that you’re selling, through content. And I imagine that people will use our apps and then leave them for other apps. People will use other apps and leave them for our apps. But as long as I am building out the features that I need in my business, as long as I’m putting out products that really work, that are actually well done and I’m doing content then, you know, I think that I’ll always have a place in the market. And Michael’s says, “You always have the best app in whatever the category.”

So, I think that’s the end of the questions for this. Averie [SP] says, “Do you have a plugin to dispense Amazon one-time use coupon codes?” We used to. We got rid of it because it’s a gray area now with Amazon, you know, it’s sort of the policies have changed a little bit. I would talk to Ryan McDaniel Moran, I would talk to The Amazing Selling Machine guys, I’d talk to some of those Amazon people about that kind of thing. So, Rick says, “I’m onboard, looking forward to using the tools and doing even more.” Thanks, Rick. “What are your thoughts on sequential videos on Facebook?” You know, we haven’t actually tested that yet, but I think it’s a good idea. I mean, it makes sense. We just haven’t gotten to it.

So, with that said, guys, we’re gonna end this live cast at 53 minutes. I will play three things. First is above this video or below it somewhere, I think it’s above, is a link to our three-part Facebook video ads training. Click it, opt in, go through it, it will be good for you. Second is if you have a Shopify store, check out our Zipify Apps,, Zipify. They’ll help you grow business and you can also contact us. You can go to, we got live chat, we’re around. You can go to, we’ve got live chat, we’re around. I will end this video by playing a video about Zipify Pages. This whole presentation is sponsored by our app company called Zipify, which we’re working really hard on to make it the best app company out there for Shopify. So, thank you so much for taking some time and hanging out with me, on a Sunday no less, and I’ll see you soon.

Announcer: Looking for a quick and easy way to create high-converting landing pages and sales funnels for your Shopify store? Well first, what is a landing page? Well, it’s any specific page that you send traffic to to prompt a specific result. Let’s say, a newsletter sign up, or a holiday sales page or any goal that you might have. And if you create a series of pages that share a common goal, let’s say, a landing page, a sales page and a post-checkout thank you page, then you have a sales funnel. Landing pages are perfect for growing your business by boosting leads and sales. But right now, there’s a big problem. To create a landing page for your store, you can either hire a designer and a developer to create one for you, and that takes time and money, or you can use a landing page builder which is faster and less expensive. But the problem is none of the landing page builders on the market integrate your Shopify store. So, you have to deal with confusing plugins and subdomains and skewed analytics, which is extra cost and extra hassle.

Well now, there’s a solution. Introducing, Zipify Pages. Zipify Pages is an e-commerce landing page and sales funnel builder that seamlessly integrates with your Shopify store. Start by choosing a template from our ever-growing template library. These page templates come directly from our eight-figure e-commerce stores that are built on Shopify. We test what works and we put our best templates into Zipify Pages. After selecting a template, it’s easy to customize it to build your store by using our drag and drop editor. You can choose from our collection of conversion elements, or blocks as we like to call them, like featured products, countdown timers, social group sections and more. Once you have the page just the way you like it, click publish. It’s as easy as that. You now have an amazing new page published right to your Shopify store. Your page will look great on any device. It’s 100% mobile responsive and all of the data is under one domain. So, tracking leads and sales in Facebook is easy, simple and accurate. High-quality landing pages and sales funnels as soon as you need them. Zipify Pages, check it out today.

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