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Creating Engaging Video Content That Spurs an Emotion Connection: Social Media Marketing Podcast w/ Michael Stelzner

Do you want to create engaging videos for paid ads and social posts?

Then listen to the new episode of the Social Media Marketing Podcast I just recorded with Social Media Examiner’s Michael Stelzner.

I explain how to use (inexpensive) video more creatively in your marketing, including:

• How to create video content that elicits an emotional response
• Where to use short-form and long-form video in your marketing strategy
• How to copy one of my favorite templates for Facebook video ads (It’s easy!)

Listen to the episode here:

Or check out the full post on Social Media Examiner.

Case Study: My $2.8MM Ad Formula (that You Can Copy)

Using content generated by our Ambassador Program, BOOM! launched one of its best Facebook ad campaigns EVER, generating $2.8 million from $1.5 million in spend and 36,000 new customers.

To learn how to copy the Facebook ad formula and how to launch your own Ambassador Program that will give you the best ad creative you’ve ever seen…

Read my new article:
My #1 Facebook Ad Formula: How I Generated $2.8 Million with 1 Cold Traffic Campaign

Get My Ad Formula

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