
How I Boosted eCommerce Revenue By 18.2% Using Onsite Retargeting

ezra as a kidHi, I’m Ezra. And this is what I looked like as a baby!

I want to share with you the incredible success I’ve been having with one of my companies, BOOM! By Cindy Joseph. A little about us:

BOOM! is the first pro-age cosmetic line for women of every generation. It’s a pared down skin care and cosmetics company that I created with my business partner, make-up artist turned super model Cindy Joseph.

Together we created, where we sell our products and increase awareness of the Pro-Age Revolution, a movement focused on shifting our anti-age society to a more pro-age perspective. We have gotten an incredible response from the pro-age community, especially women who identify as “Baby Boomers.”

What we have here is a case of “the right place at the right time.” Women of the boomer generation are coming into their prime spending years. Meanwhile, they are being told by society that they are losing value as they age. BOOM!’s pro-age statement is really resonating with this demographic, and producing some amazing results.

In 2015, five years after launching, we were able to increase our traffic tenfold compared to 2014. The goal now, of course, is to convert this traffic into customers.


Our primary funnel for involves directing traffic through a “presell engagement page.” This is a landing page containing content that engages people in a conversation, and then leads them to a solution, which is our product. The presell page we have been using is “5 Makeup Tips for Older Women.”
boom pageThis landing page provides quality content for visitors, simultaneously informing them while also directing them through the buying process. The page has links to our store, and contains some of our items at the bottom of the article.

This funnel has worked extremely well for us. There is, of course, always room for improvement.

Our main challenge is that most of our traffic are first-time visitors. They are “cold traffic,” people interacting with our brand for the first time. For this reason, our landing page has a low conversion rate—99.5% of visitors leave without buying or subscribing—even if our overall site conversion rate is quite solid.

So, with huge amounts of traffic being directed to this landing page, we are constantly looking for ways to optimize in order to turn cold traffic into customers—no easy task.

Results 1We’ve tried several marketing techniques, each with some success. What we were most interested in was somehow capturing visitors at this stage of the funnel. We wanted some kind of opt-in that would not distract from the overall goal of the page—getting visitors to our store to make a purchase.

That’s when we discovered OptiMonk, and the solution of onsite retargeting.


Onsite retargeting provides the opportunity to present a secondary message to website visitors who have not shown interest in the primary message—in this case, visiting our store.

So when visitors of our presell page showed “exit intent,” behavior that suggested they were going to leave the page, OptiMonk allowed us to make them a secondary offer: A popup box asking them to join the Pro-Age Revolution and sign up for our newsletter.

Join Boom ClubVisitors are then able to subscribe in a three step popup. Here’s the second page:

Boom Sign UpAfter a visitor provides their email address (which we later use for retargeting), a third popup lets us take one final shot at directing them to a product page and a sale:

Check Out Our ProductThe opt-in conversion rate for visitors who dug a little deeper into our site, by visiting our “Bio” or “Philosophy” pages, was really high—almost 20%. On the other hand, visitors who didn’t show any deeper interest and left the landing page immediately, were not as receptive. In their cases, opt-in rate was 3.5%—still a big improvement over the less-than-1% starting point.

Still, we wanted to improve this number, so we decided to offer greater incentive for these visitors who were less willing to engage. OptiMonk suggested we improve our original message by offering a lead magnet to visitors who were interested in the topic. So we created this ebook:

Makeup Tips for Women over 40By offering a more tangible incentive—and one that has similar content to the page they visited—we anticipate that our message will be even more successful (projecting to double subscribers).

In addition to this approach, we set up a campaign that encourages the hottest prospects to complete their purchases immediately:

OptimonkWe decided to offer an instant 10% off coupon to the hottest visitors—people who have expressed the most interest in our content or are about to abandon their cart. The efficiency of the message and the accuracy of the targeting are proven by the fact that almost 40% of visitors said “YES” to this offer.

OptimonkOne thing that concerned us was exposing these messages to repeat customers. We didn’t want to annoy them. Fortunately, OptiMonk allows us to target only new visitors to our site.


So, we were pretty amazed by the results.

The number of new visitors was 1,023,649 in the period considered. And the message presented by OptiMonk appeared in 212,874 cases. So the percentage of popup appearance was 20.79%.

OptimonkOur store generated $812,258 in revenue, with more than 300 purchases per day:

Optimonk1,876 visitors used their coupon during the period of analysis, generating $148,297 in extra revenue:

OptimonkThat’s 18.2% of total revenue! Since the coupon was only offered to those visitors who exited the funnel without buying, it’s reasonable to say that this is 18% of immediate growth in revenue for our site.

And on top of immediate revenue growth, OptiMonk allowed us to gain 8,997 new subscribers within a month. That’s a 0.9% conversion rate for new visitors.

With these additional signups, we have an opportunity for further retargeting. We can offer these leads content and special offers via email to get them to convert. So in addition to our immediate growth, we have potential for long-term revenue growth as well.

Beyond the increase in sales and subscriptions, we’re excited by the improvement in visitor behavior that resulted from using OptiMonk:

OptimonkFor visitors who interacted with OptiMonk, the average session duration increased by 25.6% and the number of pages viewed increased by 14.1%.

The numbers are even more impressive for visitors who said “YES” to any offer:

OptimonkOptiMonk’s impact can been seen in the conversion rates as well:

OptimonkOf the visitors who viewed an OptiMonk message, 1.06% converted, which is 70.9% more than is typically the case for new visitors. Finally, of the visitors who said “YES” to any offer, 19.39% purchased—almost every fifth subscriber.


By using OptiMonk to capture visitors on a very important landing page, we were able to increase sales, subscriptions and site engagement. By rolling it out to other pages in our site, we were able to engage visitors with specific messages relevant to them depending on their place in the buying process. This led to an 18% percent increase in revenue and 8,997 additional leads in one month!


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