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How to start, scale and sell an Ecommerce business in 2024


Build & Scale 8-Figure Businesses w/ Ezra Firestone's Ecommerce System

Hey, I'm Ezra! I've figured out how to consistently grow successful Ecommerce brands, and it's given me both financial freedom and the best lifestyle I could've asked for.

Over 30,000 business owners, digital marketers & students worldwide trust Smart Marketer.

Step-by-step instructions

For setting up the 5 key pillars of a successful Ecommerce business.

My guide

To managing your work, your time and your team in order to live the exact lifestyle you want.

Get early access

To our new course (with special beta pricing) to make sure you're prepared for Black Friday.

Ecommerce is (by far!) the best business model to build, scale & sell.

I’ve owned all kinds of companies (info, SaaS, services, you name it) and Ecommerce is by far the best way to generate cashflow while building a salable asset — here’s why:

Scalable Products

Have you ever tried creating and maintaining info or SaaS products? It’s an absolute nightmare! Apps and courses are hard to make and need constant updating. With Ecom, it’s easy to source products (which stay the same — hallelujah!) and produce them at scale.

Manageable Support

If your products are always changing (like with SaaS) then you need a large and well-trained support staff to educate customers — and those costs really add up. Meanwhile, you can support most 7-figure ecom brands with a good FAQ page and a couple of CS agents.

High Salability Value

In this industry, real wealth is created by building and selling assets. This is hard to do with some brands — like info, which can rely so heavily on personality, or dropshipping, which essentially grows someone else’s business instead of yours — but ecom brands are practically built to sell!

So even if you haven’t yet reached your ideal level of success, know that you’ve made a great decision to be in this business and you’re on the right track.

Ecommerce can give you financial freedom & lifestyle autonomy.

It’s possible to build a successful and meaningful business that doesn’t require all of your attention or take over your life.

In this course, you won’t just learn how to make your ecom business generate more revenue, and how build a valuable asset that you can hopefully sell one day for a truly life-altering sum of money.

You’ll also learn how to set up your business infrastructure in a way that allows you to live life the way you want to live it: more time to spend with family, to travel, and to do the things in life you really care about.

But if you're struggling to grow your Ecommerce brand, here's why.

Ecommerce is great, but if you’re here — and especially if this is your first business — then you already know it’s no cakewalk. 

And whether you’re…

The problem is likely the same: you’re probably focusing too much on a single channel (like Facebook) without first building a solid Ecommerce infrastructure.

That’s where my Ecommerce System comes in.

In this course, you will learn how to build out the 5 essential pillars of a healthy ecom brand — the same pillars I use in every one of my companies — so you can consistently convert more customers, increase order value and boost repeat purchases.

What Smart Ecommerce Will Teach You


Unlike most of our courses, Smart Ecommerce doesn’t focus on just one channel like Facebook or email.

Instead, it gives you a complete system for setting up and optimizing all the key elements of a successful physical products business.

Course Details

You get 12 hours of education that combine high-level, real-life examples and step-by-step tutorials to set up my Ecommerce System for your brand. 

Combine that with all my top tools, templates and resources, and you’ll have everything you need to build a rock-solid foundation that also suits the lifestyle you want.

Module 1

Core Concepts
of Ecommerce

The Goal
“This is The Best Time to Get Started in Ecommerce”
The Ecommerce Business Model
The 6 Competitive Advantages
Advantage 1: Mission, Brand & Ethos
Advantage 2: Customer Persona
Advantage 3: Strong Financials
Advantage 4: Building Your Team
Advantage 5: A Site That Converts
Advantage 6: Content That Brings Customers Back
The Smart Ecommerce Roadmap

Module 2


“Who’s My Competitor? It’s the Back Button.”
You Are Here: Site Architecture
Your Tech Stack
Optimizing Your Site for Mobile
Examples & Inspiration: Mobile View
Funnel Overview
Building the Perfect Collection Page
Examples & Inspiration: Collection Pages
Building the Perfect Homepage
Examples & Inspiration: Homepages
Seductive Dangers of Over-optimization
Ongoing Optimizations
“Be Hard and Intentional About It”

Module 3

Your Offer

You Are Here: Offer Creation
Product vs. Offer
The Offer Formula: Building an Offer
Proven Offer I: The Butter Chicken
Real Brands: The Butter Chicken
Proven Offer II: Pre-sells
Real Brands: Pre-sells
Proven Offer III: The Catalog
Real Brands: The Catalog
Proven Offers via Zipify Pages
Cart Types
Using Your Cart to Maximize Revenue
Optimizing Checkouts for Conversions
Selecting Payments Methods
Correctly Communicating Shipping
Setting Up Shopify’s Checkout Extensibility
The 3×3 Upsell Matrix
Offer Metrics & Optimizations

“The Offer Truly Is The Secret Sauce”

Module 4

Email Systems

Email Is Helping You Play the Long Game Too.
You Are Here: Email Systems
Email Automation: Monetization Recovery
Abandoned Cart Email Strategy
Abandoned Cart Flows
Browse Abandon Email Strategy
Browse Abandon Flows
Winback Email Strategy
Winback Flows
Email Automaton: Post-purchase
Post-purchase Email Strategy
Post-purchase Email Flows
Lead Magnets & Monetization Strategy
Setting Up Your Popups
Hot List Flow
Metrics & Optimization

Module 5


Paid Is The Traffic Source You Want to Rely On
You Are Here: Traffic Systems
Why Meta Ads: Your New Customer Creation Engine
Meta Ads: Butter Chicken
Meta Ads: Remarketing
Why Google Ads: Accessing the Largest Set of Eyes on the Planet
Google Ads: Performance Max
User-generated Content
Importance of Social Proof
The Power of Brand Ambassador
Asking for UGC
Power Your Growth with Reviews
Using What You Already Have
When (and How) to Use Influencers

Paid Traffic is Where It’s At

Module 6

The Customer

It Cost Five Times More to Acquire a New Customer You Are Here: The Customer Boomerang Inventory Management Leveraging “Ride Alongs” It All Starts with Content Social Media & The ICOSA Strategy ICOSA Walkthrough ICOSA: Juicing Your Content Promotion & Broadcast Strategy Planning Out Your Promos Building Out Your Promo Calendar The 3 Main Promotions Promotion 1: Flash Sales Promotion 2: New Products Promotion 3: Holiday Sales Content & Email Marketing Email Broadcast Metrics & Optimizations Tracking Your Promotions Scaling Your Ecommerce Business Exploring New Products Exploring New Sales Channels Come Back to The Smart Ecommerce Roadmap

Course Workbook

This valuable resource will guide you through the content, helping you absorb each lesson and implement what you learn.

Available December, 2023

Get early access to our new course to be ready for Black Friday!

Smart Ecommerce officially launches on Black Friday, but you probably want to use this course to optimize your brand before then.

That’s why we’re doing this beta launch, so you can get early access to our newest course to boost sales (and lower stress) for BFCM and throughout the rest of 2023.

Best Discount

Lock in our biggest discount (you won’t find a better deal on BFCM, we promise).

Special Bonus

Get a special bonus during this launch only — see below for more info.

Early Access

1 module released per week from now until Black Friday.

Meet Your Instructors

Ezra Firestone

CEO of BOOM! By Cindy Joseph,
Founder of Smart Marketer

Ezra has been in ecommerce since 2005, and in that time he’s bought, built, scaled and/or sold 12 brands! He has generated over $185MM in revenue since 2015 with his largest business, BOOM! by Cindy Joseph.

A refreshing voice in the entrepreneur community, Ezra consistently champions people over profit and sustainable, long-term growth over the “Hustyle, Grind, Sacrifice” mentality that so often leads to burnout.

With his diverse marketing skillset, his impressive track record growing successful brands, and his strong grasp of leadership and team-building, Ezra serves as inspiration for many young entrepreneurs looking to build and sell lucrative companies while enjoying a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Meet Your Coaches

Kurt Elster

CEO of Ethercycle, Host of the Unofficial Shopify Podcast

Kurt is, quite simply, the man. He's a senior Ecommerce consultant and a conversion optimization expert who helps owners uncover hidden profits in their websites. Kurt is also the host of The Unofficial Shopify Podcast and the Founder of Ethercycle, an Ecommerce agency that helps Shopify merchants earn more money (and work fewer hours.)

Laura Palladino

Social Media Director, BOOM! By Cindy Joseph

As the Social Media Director for BOOM! By Cindy Joseph, Laura helped Ezra grow his brand from $3 million to over $40 million per year. This growth was in large part thanks to the social strategy that Laura helped create and manage, which leveraged user-generated content to provide the creative for BOOM!'s best ads, emails and blog posts.

Molly Pittman

CEO of Smart Marketer

Molly is the CEO Smart Marketer and a world-renowned expert in paid traffic. In Ecommerce, she has particular expertise in her understanding of the customer journey, including how to speak to people's pain points and how to unlock hidden audiences by targeting new avatars.

John Grimshaw

CMO of Smart Marketer

John is our Chief Marketing Officer and just a total stud when it comes to email marketing, data analysis and offer creation. In this course, he'll help you understand how to craft winning offers and leverage effective promotional strategies as part of a cohesive marketing plan.

Ezra's Ecommerce System

for building, scaling & selling successful 8-figure brands.

6 modules with 100 videos

that combine high-level strategy, real-life examples & step-by-step tutorials.

Early access

two modules available with additional ones releasing biweekly

Beta pricing

to lock in the best deal on this course (including during our holiday promotions), guaranteed.

Lifetime Access

with content updates, new resources & added bonus material.

Get a $500 Discount On This Page Only


3 payments of


$1,101 Total $1,497

best value

One Time

1 payment of



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