Enroll Now, Class Starts February 15!


Grow any business with Facebook ads post-iOS 14.5

Can’t afford an expensive ad agency? Get coached by one instead! Learn Facebook, Google and even TikTok ads directly from the professional media buyers who run the Smart Marketer Agency.

Work with Molly and our Agency team to master Facebook ads

Receive a Professional Certification in Media Buying!

Learn the proven traffic system we use for all of our clients (updated for iOS 14.5)

Get the same benefits of hiring a $25K/month agency — for a fraction of the cost

Over 30,000 business owners, digital marketers & students worldwide trust Smart Marketer.


and live calls with Molly and her team of agency media buyers with $600+ million in cumulative ad spend.


TMTP is updated with the most recent information to teach you how to adapt to Apple's latest updates.


that give you the same professional worksheets and templates we use every day with our own clients.


and get personal feedback on your campaigns from coaches in our private Slack community.


It's been a monumental difference for us. I really feel like I've gained a lot from the program...There's been a mix of the way we do our videos to the way we use our hooks and the way we combine those with, the captions... It really taught us how to find that unique customer and how to target them.
– Adelina, Co-founder nutripaw


I felt like we were really inexperienced and right at the start of the journey but no question was too dumb to ask, there was a great community feel to the calls and Molly and the rest of the teams enthusiasm, optimism and sheer depth of knowledge just felt like a real privilege to be part of.
– Chloe, Founder Cotton Clara


The biggest wins that we got from the whole program was being able to successfully scale our ad spend from around £2,000 a day up to around £16,000 a day, keeping the same profitability... We've really got that consistency down as we scaled our budget around seven to eight times.
– Connor, Co-founder nutripaw

Want to run Facebook ads just like the Smart Marketer Agency?

Since iOS 14.5, Facebook advertisers have struggled with:

Misleading data

Ads suddenly going cold

Campaigns not scaling profitably

Poor results when relaunching successful campaigns

So at the Smart Marketer Agency we totally changed our ad strategy, and in the last 90 days we:

But not everyone can afford to hire a $25K/month agency to fix their ads —

so in this mentorship, we teach you how to get results like these yourself.


Train My Traffic Person

Join our hands-on, 13-week mentorship program that teaches you how to run ads just like the Smart Marketer Agency.

How This Mentorship Will Help You Succeed


That’s me! I’m one of the industry’s most sought-after media buyers and educators, and I’m honored to be your mentor for the next 13 weeks.

Agency Coaches

To give you the most up-to-date and advanced training possible, you’ll learn how to run ads directly from the professional media buyers at the Smart Marketer Agency.

Updated Curriculum

25 sessions and over 40 hours of content, updated to tackle iOS 14.5 and the latest changes to the traffic landscape.

Weekly action items

To hold you accountable and help you reach your goals.

50 How-to Videos

Detailed implementation tutorials to help you set up, launch and manage your campaigns.


Step-by-step worksheets and templates to guide you through every module (the same resources our media buyers use with our clients on a daily basis).

Q&A Sessions

Each week you’ll work with our team of agency professionals to answer your questions and get feedback on your campaigns to accelerate your progress.

Private Slack Group

Get support from your peers, and reach out to your TMTP Coaches anytime you have a question.

Limited Class Size

All media buyers are different; that's why we limit the number of students so we can give you what you need to succeed in this program.

3 BONUS Q&A Sessions

After we make it through the modules, we’ll make sure you’ve got everything you need with 3 extra Q&A sessions to address any final challenges or questions.

Become a Certified Meta Media Buyer

After completing this course and passing the final exam, you will receive a Professional Certification in Meta Media Buying!

Show the world that you're skilled in Meta funnel building, asset creation (copy, creative, etc.), crafting offers & more.

Use your badge to sign new clients, land your dream job, or confirm a team member's skills / completion of the course.

Validate your abilities with a stamp of approval from Smart Marketer and the world's largest digital credential network.

Master Our 9-Step Traffic System

This is the same repeatable system we use with every one of our agency clients (and you can implement it for a fraction of the price it takes to hire us!).

And in Train My Traffic Person we teach you this structure step by step, so you can profit from your ad spend no matter what else is going on in the traffic landscape.

All YOU need to do is commit to learning and implementing the material.

A Course Curriculum Fully Updated for iOS 14.5

Sessions combine strategy, implementation & feedback to give you a
clear path to success in your media buying journey — yes, even after the iOS updates!

Each week includes a streamable training plus a live Q&A with your Coaches.

Session 1

Setting the Strategy
Learn Molly's 9-step process, The Traffic Engine, for building profitable, scalable paid traffic systems along with an overview of what you need to succeed as a media buyer.

How to Think Like a Media Buyer
Planning Your Traffic System
Look Inside an Ecommerce Traffic System
Look Inside a Non-Ecommerce Traffic System
Look Inside a Local Traffic System
Defining Your Business Objective
Resource Roundup
Traffic System Planning Sheet

Session 2

Crafting the Offer
The best paid traffic campaign can't overcome a bad offer, so to succeed as a media buyer you must first understand how to craft offers that convert for any paid traffic platforms.

⊕ The Offer Formula: Part 1
⊕ The Offer Formula: Part 2
⊕ How to Build a High Converting Lead Magnet: Part 1
⊕ How to Build a High Converting Lead Magnet: Part 2
⊕ Funnel Map # 1: Lead Magnet to Core Offer
⊕ Funnel Map # 2: Mini Class Funnel
⊕ Funnel Map # 3: Webinar Funnel
⊕ Funnel Map # 4: Lead Magnet to Low Dollar Offer
⊕ Funnel Map # 5: Lead Magnet to Sales Call
⊕ Funnel Map # 6: Free Item / Service to Upsell
⊕ Funnel Map # 7: Butter Chicken
⊕ Funnel Map # 8: Pre-sell Article
⊕ Funnel Map # 9: % Off Store or Product
⊕ Ultimate Product Page: Part 1
⊕ Ultimate Product Page: Part 2
⊕ Mini Site: Part 1
⊕ Mini Site: Part 2
⊕ High Converting E-Commerce Acquisition Funnels: Part 1
⊕ High Converting E-Commerce Acquisition Funnels: Part 2

Session 3

Defining the Who & Why
Eye-catching ads start with knowing who you're targeting and why they should care. This module will teach you how to define your customer persona and find them online.

What You Need to Know About the Who
Market Centric vs. Product Centric
How Do I Find My Avatar?
Getting Into the Mind of Your Avatar
Sipping on Potions
Transformation Grid
Answer These Questions
 Action Steps
Customer Avatar Questionnaire
Customer Persona Canvas
Transformation Grid
Hook Questionnaire

Session 4

Ideating Campaign Assets
In order to go fishing on any good paid traffic platform, you'll need some sharp hooks! Get 20 proven hooks from Molly and learn how to customize them to your business.

Select Your Copy Styles
Ad Multiplier Step 1
Select Your Creative Styles
Ad Multiplier Step 2
Action Steps
BONUS: How to Create Long Form Ad Copy
BONUS: Copywriting Training w/ Alex Cattoni

Session 5

Creating Campaign Assets
The last piece of the campaign puzzle is to actually build our the campaign assets! In this session, Molly helps you transform the tools you've built in the last 3 sessions into high-converting ads.

My Update to BOOM’s Targeting
Copy Tips with Molly
Copy Formulas with Ezra
High Converting Creatives
FB Video Ad Formulas with Ezra
BOOM Creatives with Boris
Action Items
Targeting Research Exercise

Session 6

Building & Launching the Campaign
Campaign structure is the silent killer of an otherwise perfectly constructed campaign! In this session, Molly takes you by the hand and explains how to set up Facebook campaigns to convert.

Campaign Objective
How to Set Up a Conversion Campaign
How to Set up a Traffic Campaign
How to Set Up ABO Campaign
How to Set Up a CBO Campaign
Lifetime vs Daily Budgets
Audience Insights
Dynamic Creative
How to Find your Post ID
How to Set Up an Organic Post or Previous Ad as a New Ad
Super Look-A Likes
Advanced Look-A-Likes
How to Use Ad System Planning Sheets

Session 7

Analyzing the Results
After a campaign launches, information rolls in. In this session, John shows how to sort winning campaigns from dead weight & how to track performance in the age of iOS 15.

The How & Why of UTM Parameters
An Introduction to Google Analytics
[Advanced] Smarter Scale With Customer Value Velocity
An Introduction To Facebook Events Manager
[Case Study] Facebook Ads Managers Limitations / Analyzing Performance With Google Analytics
An Introduction To The Campaign Performance Tracking Sheet
Filling Out The Campaign Performance Tracking Sheet – Post iOS15 Tracking Strategies
[Deep Dive] Setting Up Google Analytics
Tracking Sheet

Session 8

Optimize the Campaign
80% of campaigns don't work right off the bat. But rather than scrapping good assets, watch Molly show you her 5-step troubleshooting process to save your Facebook campaigns!

How to Audit a Traffic Campaign (or System)
Audit of BOOM’s FB Ad Account
Audit of Smart Marketer’s Recent Launch
On-Site Optimization & Heat Maps
Troubleshooting inside BOOM’s FB Ad Account
Traffic Plan Worksheet

Session 9

Scaling the Campaign
Once we've optimized a campaign, it's time to bump up the spend (and return)! In this session, Molly will introduce the why and how of the key two kinds scale: Horizontal & Vertical.

CBO Best Practices
Scaling with CBO
Scaling with Automated Rules
Scaling to $100k/day in Ad Spend

Session 10

Retargeting is one of most powerful levers for digital ads on any platform. This session will help you master this highly-profitable ad type and convert potential buyers into happy customers!

Dynamic Product Ads

Session 11

Scaling to Google & YouTube
Scaling off of Facebook is one of the best ways to get more from winning campaigns and ensure yourself against platform changes. This module will help you dive into Google & YouTube.

YouTube Retargeting with Tom Breeze
Google Ads with Mike Rhodes
Google Ads Audit Checklist

Session 12

How to Succeed as a Media Buyer
Congratulations, you've mastered the 9-step traffic engine! Now that you know the core principles, expand your skills and performance by exploring additional marketing topics & tools.

Agency & Freelancing with James Schramko
Demystifying Facebook’s Conversion API with Aaron Bailey
8-Step Social Media Plan with Laura Palladino
Juicing Blog Content with Laura Palladino
Advertorials with Nehal Kazim
Acquiring 10,000 Subscribers in 6 Months with Ryan McKenzie

Bonus Session

Mastering TikTok
Learn TikTok Ads!

TikTok isn’t just for Gen Z dance vids
TikTok works for every industry
TikTok works for high-ticket offers


We've gone from $30K month to $150K+ and it's all thanks to these guys but especially Molly. She takes the fear out of making ads and running an account at scale. She doesn't over complicate it or have a uniquely special strategy. TMTP is the BEST paid traffic course available anywhere. I've done them all... and TMTP is on another level. This should be mandatory training for every marketer and business owner. I wish I did it sooner!
Ollie Aplin
Founder, Mind Journal

hi, i’m molly!

And becoming a professional media buyer completely changed my life.

When I decided to learn digital marketing, I was a bartender in Kentucky and I didn’t even know what paid traffic was.

Today, I’ve overseen $100 million in ad spend and taught thousands of marketers how to improve their advertising and push their careers forward.

So how did I manage to succeed in a crowded industry that’s constantly evolving??

I got a mentor! Back in 2012 I started working with Ryan Deiss, who showed me the ropes and taught me how to think like a marketer. I spent thousands of hours sharpening my skills and millions of dollars running ad campaigns.

From there, I developed my 9-step traffic system and helped 4x the company on my way to becoming Vice President. (Not bad, huh?!)

But it wasn’t until I started teaching Train My Traffic Person that it finally hit me: while media buying is my craft — and I love it — teaching is my passion.

So in 2020, when Ezra Firestone asked me to be the next CEO of Smart Marketer, I jumped at the chance to make education a larger part of my life.

In the last two years I’ve mentored over 1,200 TMTP students and taught them how to succeed during this chaotic time in digital advertising. Despite new privacy restrictions, supply chain problems and increased seller competition, I’ve helped my students keep winning in this new era of Facebook.

Now, I want to teach you my proven traffic system so you can win as a media buyer in any industry or market.

Meet Your Coaches

Ezra Firestone

Founder, Smart Marketer

✓ Grew a $165 million brand using Facebook as main acquisition channel

✓ Helped teach 1,000s of marketers how to run ads through Smart Marketer courses

✓ World renowned expert in ecommerce and conversion optimization

Pepijn Hufen

CEO, Smart Marketer Agency

✓ Oversees $2 million in monthly ad spend

✓ A master of post-iOS 14 ad strategy

✓ Manages daily operations of Smart Marketer ad account

John Grimshaw

CMO, Smart Marketer

✓ Profitably directed over $7 million in ad spend

✓ 462 million sent emails over hundreds of promotional campaigns

✓ Helped drive a record-breaking year of growth for Smart Marketer

Dennis Paskalev

Director of Advertising, Smart Marketer Agency

✓ 5 years' experience running ads for DTC brands of all sizes

✓ $12 million+ in profitable spend on Facebook, Instagram & Snapchat

✓ Worked with Support Pets, Teami, Brillia, Arrae, Hyperbolic Stretching

Brands We've Worked With

Private Slack Workspace

Need help with a campaign, have a strategy question, or just want to talk shop? Members of the TMTP Mentorship get access to a private Slack Workspace to help you keep in touch with your Coaches and classmates, so you can get answers when you need them.

Reach out to your team of Agency Coaches anytime you have questions about the training.

Find course updates, training recordings, worksheets and other resources — all in one place.

Stay connected to the rest of your classmates for motivation, inspiration and support.

Grow your network (so much of this industry is about who you know, so be sure to invest in this asset).

Want to get a feel for what the community experience is like in Slack?” Here’s a 91 page summary of all the questions asked during the last cohort.

There’s a ton of value in this document, whether you decide to sign up for TMTP or not!

Who is This Program For

This training is for anyone who wants to learn the art of paid traffic, or sharpen the skills they already have.

Freelance / Agency
In my experience, most clients won’t give you a lot of time or many opportunities to start delivering the goods. TMTP will help you communicate better with your team, get bigger wins and keep more accounts.


Advanced Media Buyers
This course is perfect for pros looking to sharpen their skills. You know how valuable it is to improve even one small part of your process, and I guarantee you will get a ton of new strategies to improve your ROI.


Whether you’re the owner or a team member, having a capable media buyer in-house is incredibly valuable. Without a profitable ads strategy, it can be almost impossible to grow; with the wrong one, you can make a lot of very costly mistakes.


New Media Buyers
Avoid the costly process of trial and error. This course will give you an A-Z traffic training that will put you light-years ahead of most media buyers. (Lucky you! I wish I’d found this when I was just getting started.)


Ecommerce, Info, Services & SaaS
In my ad agency, I use this same exact traffic strategy for all my clients no matter what industry they’re in, so I can guarantee that the techniques in TMTP are effective in all of them. The content of your campaigns might change, but the forces of media buying don’t!


$3,494 in Action-Taker Bonuses

Expiring February 7, 2024 at Midnight

Action-Taker Bonus #1

45 Minute 1-on-1 Call with Molly
$1500 Value
How do you best maximize the impact of Train My Traffic Person? Easy, kick things off with a 1-on-1 consultation with Molly! Whether you need to get unstuck, want advice on 'what's next,' or need help find your business's hidden gems, this private call will take you to the next level. This is a rare opportunity as Molly's time is never for sale.

Action-Taker Bonus #2

Smart Traffic Live Recordings
$1097 Value
The Smart Traffic Live Recordings include 97 sessions with over 60 hours of content full of proven strategies to EXPLODE your web traffic. In addition to the Smart Marketer faculty members, you'll learn from experts like Mari Smith, Noah Kagan, Neil Patel, Nick Shackelford, Nicole Walters and so many more.

Action-Taker Bonus #3

Blue Ribbon Greatest Hits Vol. 1, 2 & 3
$897 Value
The Blue Ribbon Greatest Hits collection gives you VIP access to level-up like an 8-figure brand. These three courses contain 34 trainings pulled from Ezra Firestone's private mastermind events. They're full of insights and strategies to help you get more of what you need from your business.
Enroll Now in TMTP and Get

$8,576 in Special Bonuses


1 Extra Mentorship Seat
$2,997 Value
To make sure you're able to implement Molly's 9-Step Traffic System in your business, we're giving you 2 seats in this mentorship for the price of one. That way, a member of your team can also attend the training sessions and feedback calls. They can also interact with Molly, the TMTP Coaches, and your fellow students in the Slack Workspace.

2 Mentorship Seats for the Price of One
Full Access to Trainings Sessions and Q&A Feedback Calls
Private Slack Workspace to connect with Molly, Coaches and Fellow Students


TMTP Alumni Edition
$2,997 Value
Ad platforms change constantly, even if the fundamentals of using paid traffic for growth don't. That's why we created TMTP Alumni Edition, a supplemental course updated twice yearly with the latest tactics and strategies to keep you sharp.

Lifetime Updates of Train My Traffic Person


Smart Google Ads
$1,497 Value
Build on your TMTP mentorship by incorporating the incredible power and reach of Google. With 6 powerful channels rolled into 1 simple platform, Google ads enable you to use full-funnel marketing campaigns to grow any business.

Master the Google Display Network with coaching from the Founder of a successful Google ad agency.
Google Search Ads – Strengthen your Facebook ads strategy with Google Search to create powerful retargeting campaigns and increase visibility.
Google Shopping Ads – Build high-ROI Google Shopping funnels and product feeds to generate easy sales for ecommerce brands.
YouTube Video Ads – This bonus includes a 6-hour YouTube Masterclass packed with creative templates and campaign blueprints to unlock YouTube for any business.
Diversify your traffic system and become one of the only full-stack media buyers in the game who can create ad campaigns for Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube!


Ambassador Blueprint
$397 Value
Want to copy Molly's most successful ad campaign of the last 5 years? Learn how to leverage the same ambassador program she and Ezra used to source the ad creative that generated 36,000 new customers and $2.8 million in revenue (in just 4 months!).

Copy My Campaigns – Over-the-shoulder videos of Molly building her latest campaigns for 5 of her clients
LIVE feedback call with Molly – Submit your ads, audiences, budget, creative, and anything else you want help with, and Molly will provide you with personal feedback.
“Ad-Sumer Report” – Compiled by our in-house researcher, this 100+ page report is a deep analysis of the month’s top Facebook ads, placements and offers.
Team Traffic Slack Group – This high-level club of media buyers is your go-to place for answers, motivation and inspiration.
Team Traffic Newsletter – Get the scoop on what’s changing in Facebook, Instagram, Google & YouTube — everything that’s affecting your business, all in one place.


YouTube Kickstart Blueprint
$397 Value
Molly’s 9-step traffic system isn’t limited by platform. Once you master Facebook, we’ll teach you how to profitably scale the same campaign on YouTube in this highly tactical course with TMTP coach Brett Curry.

Master the Google Display Network with coaching from the Founder of a successful Google ad agency.
Google Search Ads – Strengthen your Facebook ads strategy with Google Search to create powerful retargeting campaigns and increase visibility.
Google Shopping Ads – Build high-ROI Google Shopping funnels and product feeds to generate easy sales for ecommerce brands.
YouTube Video Ads – This bonus includes a 6-hour YouTube Masterclass packed with creative templates and campaign blueprints to unlock YouTube for any business.
Diversify your traffic system and become one of the only full-stack media buyers in the game who can create ad campaigns for Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube!


Zipify Pages: 3-month Membership
$291 Value
Become a member of TMTP and get a BONUS membership to Ezra Firestone’s amazing Shopify landing page builder.

Copy My Campaigns – Over-the-shoulder videos of Molly building her latest campaigns for 5 of her clients
LIVE feedback call with Molly – Submit your ads, audiences, budget, creative, and anything else you want help with, and Molly will provide you with personal feedback.
“Ad-Sumer Report” – Compiled by our in-house researcher, this 100+ page report is a deep analysis of the month’s top Facebook ads, placements and offers.
Team Traffic Slack Group – This high-level club of media buyers is your go-to place for answers, motivation and inspiration.
Team Traffic Newsletter – Get the scoop on what’s changing in Facebook, Instagram, Google & YouTube — everything that’s affecting your business, all in one place.

Feedback on TMTP

“As a small biz owner I knew going into TMTP that I would struggle to keep up. I have only attended a small number of Q&As (I’m in NZ) and watch maybe 1/4 of the training so far…. Even so, I have managed to double our monthly ad spend (profitable) since starting the course. It is has more than paid for itself. Thanks Team!”

— Matthew S.

“I joined TMTP in the spring of 2023. I ran FB ads for a while already, had my own clients, but I wanted to go bigger and gain more skills. The program is really extensive and in depth. I developed a completely new product, offer, landing page and ad strategy (and everything in between)…

The only downside is that it’s over now… and I miss the great mind of Molly and her team;-) I also wanted to say that I have great admiration for the level of organization in this program. Everything is so smooth and the customer service is on a whole other level.”

— Arianne

“My mind has been blown by everything in TMTP. Having followed Molly since her Digital Marketer days, and Ezra for almost as long, it feels really emotional to have everything come together and finally feel I have the business mapped out that I want to run for the next 10 years!”

— Kathryn Leslie

I actually can’t believe you don’t charge more for this course as it’s SO valuable to us as a business and there is SO much content within the course…

Everyone we’d worked with before promised big results from very little investigation or deep work. The TMTP course was the opposite, no foundational stone was left unturned. I felt like we were coached to get right to the heart and soul of our businesses.

I felt like we were really inexperienced and right at the start of the journey but no question was too dumb to ask, there was a great community feel to the calls and Molly and the rest of the teams enthusiasm, optimism and sheer depth of knowledge just felt like a real privilege to be part of.

I am recommending this course to all the other business owners I know (although I feel like I want to keep it a secret from our competitors because it feels like we now have a massive advantage)!”

— Chloe

“I had a lot of fears before joining TMTP. We’ve previously had ad accounts deleted, various ads banned… I was starting to wonder if we’d have to give up on all paid media!…

Halfway through the program we had multiple new campaigns set up for testing, and by the end of the program we had honed in on the ones that were profitable! I now feel confident that profitability will keep going up and to the right as I understand how to test, tweak and scale on my own….

…AND it feels safe! Iv know that if 1 ad or even 1 platform stops working, our eggs are now in many baskets. Neither of these I could say before joining!

Usually in online courses, I pick and choose which lessons are necessary or useful for me, watching videos is a time consuming way to learn (I’m a busy agency CEO & Mum who prefers speed reading for efficiency). But, in TMTP I watched almost everything, b/c the amount of value and knowledge in each lesson was worth it.

If you’re a small business for whom a done-for-you agency isn’t in the budget… This is the next best thing for a fraction of the cost! The weekly Q&A’s allowed me to get personalized feedback on our strategy. And the amazing coaches in the Slack channel gave us tech troubleshooting. So there’s plenty of 1-on-1 help.

Thank you so much to the amazing team at Smart Marketer, for being our paid media “village”.”

— Belinda

The BEST course /mentorship I’ve ever done! Having the coaching on tap through slack and QAs is amazing. The mentorship has really given me a structure for my ads and the offer /hooks sections were the AHA for me – that’s the key thing missing from my current ads… Coaches feedback has been exceptional! Very detailed and thoughtful – a true mentorship.”

— Loretta Brandolini

“Super happy with having spent the money on this course: I’ll make that back immediately just through the skills I learned. My wife and I are listening to ’10x Is Easier Than 2x’ and while I’m not sure we will (or want to) 10X our business, TMTP gave me the perspective that I could do that through a traffic system, effective offers, campaigns, and scaling.”

— Brad Dobson

“I’ve done a lot of online courses and masterminds during the last few years, and TMTP is one of the very best out there – period, full stop.

The course… scratch that – the EXPERIENCE – is meticulously crafted by seasoned marketing pros who know how to take your digital marketing to the next level and how to present the information in a coherent and digestible format.

TMTP was an incredible value. It was the most organized and well-staffed program I’ve ever been through. From world-class pre-recorded training modules to the priceless weekly live feedback calls, you’re guaranteed to get your money back if you apply even a fraction of what you’re taught.

I significantly improved both my landing page conversion rate and my ROAS by implementing some of the things I learned. I cannot recommend it enough.”

— Matt Nye

Join TMTP Now!

Join The Waitlist

Our proven media buying training course - 13 weeks of live strategy sessions, plus over 50 how-to implementation tutorials

Weeks of in-depth training sessions and Q&A Feedback Calls

New resource library of step-by-step worksheets and fill-in-the-blank templates to guide you through every module

Molly’s daily, weekly and monthly checklist for campaign health and account management

13+ Q&A sessions where you can go deeper into each lesson & get weekly feedback to accelerate your progress

Resource library of fill-in-the-blank worksheets & templates to guide you through every module

Access to a Private TMTP Slack Group where our team of expert coaches answer your questions and help you work through any blocks

Learn TikTok Ads!

1 extra seat in Train My Traffic Person ($2,997 value)
3-month membership to Zipify Pages ($291 value)
Access to Ambassador Blueprint ($397 value)
Access to YouTube Kickstart Blueprint ($397 value)
Access to Smart Google Ads ($1497 value)
Lifetime Updates with TMTP Alumni Edition ($2,997 value)

2023 End of Year Sale

Save 33%

Now until january 4th, 2024!

Regular Price $2,997
NOW $1,997 (33% Off!)

Join the Waitlist

Class size is limited to ensure all my students get the personal attention they need to succeed, so if you want to join the mentorship, join the waitlist to be notified when enrollment opens.

1 Payment of $2,997
3 Payments of $1,147

Over 30,000 business owners, digital marketers & students worldwide trust Smart Marketer.

Our risk-free guarantee

At Smart Marketer, we stand by our products and our customers. That’s why Train My Traffic Person is backed by a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the training in any way in the first 30 days, we’ll offer you a 100% refund on your purchase. It’s as easy as that.